Better Practice
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How could a global brand of Food Trucks be used to promote the benefits of running businesses on Crypto Rails?
Who do you need onboard? Who can you help? How can you make people believe that?
Do you have systems that enable success that can scale?
How do you see the future? How do you need to prepare and position yourself?
What sux? Who else feels this pain?
How do you deliver valuable outcomes where and when they are needed?
Why do you play the game? How can you evolve it?
How do you quantify success?
How will DePIN and AI impact the Food and Beverage industry?
How do you see the future? How do you need to prepare and position yourself?
What problem do you solve? Who feels it?
AI Prompts
Where do you see potential?
People and Persuasion
Do you have systems and processes to scale?
Profit vs Value System
How do you elevate standards of delivery?
Working memory of bookmarks.
Starbucks is tech company that sells coffee and operates like a bank.