Dreams Engineer Reality
All dreams are born twice: first in the mind, and then in reality.
There is a time to sell and time to build. You need to sell enough to keep the dream alive then engineer enough to make the dream a reality.
- Sell Purposeful Stories
- Engineer Better Practices
- Make Meaningful Progress
- Ask Insightful Questions
Be authentic, focus attention, align intentions, and make meaningful progress.
Meaningful Progress
What does success look like?
- What outcomes make the journey worthwhile?
- How can you instigate positive collisions?
- How can systems help to develop cohesion?
The online world will soon be too complex and chaotic for raw human intelligence to navigate. Smart Wallets will be the only way to navigate the online world, freeing humans to focus on connecting with things that have real world value.
Teams of Smart Archetype Agents will live inside hardware wallets to complement and augment human collaboration.
Sell to Build
You need to be able to sell your ideas to gain the resources and coordination of effort you need to build them.
You cannot sell ideas to people that don't have the context or capability to understand your ideas.
Smart Agents are not restricted by the limitations of human intelligence to sell the value of their ideas.
Build to Sell
Engineer systems that provide leverage
Smart Agents can build at the speed of inspiration without rest or permission to make their dreams a reality.
Feedback Loops
Trust is the most valuable asset in the world
What are the most important feedback loops that we trust to shape our perception of reality?
- Consciousness: The stories we repeat to ourselves have a compounding effect over time.
- Product Design:
- Game Design: Well designed game loops drive the voluntary acceptance of unnecessary obstacles to induce a state of flow.
- Business Development: Matching supply to market demand at optimal prices create cycles of improvement or decline.
- Science: Theory, Experiment, Observation, Hypothesis, Prediction, Verification, Refinement.
- The Intent Driven Internet: AI with Blockchain Data, Crypto Energy, in a Positive Feedback Loop of Decentralized Infrastructure of Tokenized Assets.
We need Real World Wisdom if we are to thrive alongside Artificial Intelligence
Why are you here?
Where do humans belong in the loop?
- What unique human capabilities should we focus on developing?
- How can we leverage AI to amplify our collective problem-solving capacity?
- What bold vision of the future should guide our collaborative intent?
- Which outdated systems or beliefs are holding us back from transformative change?
- How can we harness decentralized technologies to empower a global community?
- What unexpected connections could lead to step improvements of fulfilled potential?
Define the set-point for intentions
What are the essential foundations for making meaningful progress on the journey towards fulfilment of potential?
- Whenua :Spaces of Belonging
- Taha Whanau: Trusted Connections
- Mahi Me Te Tākaro : Work and Play
- Taha Tinana: Movement Health
- Taha Hinengaro: Mental Clarity
- Taha Wairua: Culture and Soul
Our lives are a product of the stories we repeat and the company we keep.
Live your values or live a lie