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29 docs tagged with "Problems"

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Business Challenges

Challenges to starting a business, gaining traction then scaling operations.


Making sense of chaos.


Competition tends to fuel self-centred short-terminism.

DAO Problems

What are the biggest challenges that DAOs need to solve?

Fulfilment Problems

What are the biggest problems that people face in living a life of fulfilment?

Global Supply Chain

International trade relies on moving containers, but the global demand for physical goods is dramatically outpacing infrastructure.

Governance Problems

Problems with collaboration and coordination in and between networks of people.

Payment in Crypto

As a newcomer it lessens credibility of the utility of holding crypto when prominent influencers of the ecosystem do not accept payment in crypto.

Problem Library

Advancing technology has unimaginable side effects, see the invention of the plough and the impact that had on how humans perceived the world.

Problem Specification

Learn how to identify the most important problem you need to focus time and attention to.


Every problem has a value story that sells the urgency to solve it.

Standardisation Problem

The more processes can be standardised globally the more they can be collectively analysed and improved to create improve decision making and execution.

Types of DAOs

Many different types of DAOs are forming to solve specific purposes.

Web3 Developer Shortage

Tech has a wide surface area of skills to learn with many competing voices on the critical path to gain valuable skills. Web3 is adding to this confusion and demand but a lack of good (validated) education resources exist.