AI Problems
What are the biggest issues facing humans adapting to life with AI?
What are the biggest issues facing humans adapting to life with AI?
Challenges to starting a business, gaining traction then scaling operations.
Competition tends to fuel self-centred short-terminism.
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What are the biggest challenges that DAOs need to solve?
How will people earn a meaningful living in the age of AI agents?
With practice, entering the danger becomes less daunting and more of a valuable tool for growth and problem-solving. Dedicate the sessions as the time and space for airing problems, but when not in session commit to getting on with things without complaint.
What are the biggest problems that people face in living a life of fulfilment?
What are things that everyone needs to learn, but don't get taught?
International trade relies on moving containers, but the global demand for physical goods is dramatically outpacing infrastructure.
It's not what you know but who you know.
What are the biggest problems preventing fair governance for the greater good?
HR rewards headcount over ability and performance.
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Impact of transformation tech is making certain skills redundant.
The more processes can be standardised globally the more they can be collectively analysed and improved to create improve decision making and execution.
Most businesses today lose money due to:
Many different types of DAOs are forming to solve specific purposes.