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8 docs tagged with "Value Flow"

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Business Moat

Business model defensibility. How is value retained and protected?

Flywheel Effects

The Flywheel Model create virtuous cycles through focusing on enhancing customer experience to build trusted relationships via continuous learning from feedback data. This combination of insights into human behaviour and with weight of goodwill for delivering core promises, provides a platform to experiment with tangential opportunities to drive growth across multiple domain problems.


When you reach a Critical Mass of Reliable Systems, Capable People and Cash Flow the ship can sail itself through all weather.

Market Forces

What are the forces that drive progress or halt it? How can you leverage these forces to create value and build a community?

Opportunity Cost

Opportunity cost refers to the loss of potential benefit that has been forgone in order to pursue another action through purposeful decision or ignorance.

The Critical Path

When you reach a Critical Mass of Reliable Systems, Capable People and Cash Flow the ship can sail itself through all weather.