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29 docs tagged with "Software"

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Clean Architecture

Easy to understand, easy to maintain, and easy to extend. With a focus on shipping solutions.

Entity Relationship Diagram

Describes interrelated things of interest in a specific domain of knowledge. A basic ER model is composed of entity types (which classify the things of interest) and specifies relationships that can exist between entities (instances of those entity types)

Ethereum Virtual Machine

The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) functions as a world computer that powers decentralized applications (dApps) running on the Ethereum blockchain.

Finding Answers

Every developer should know the essential roadmap of getting help on a problem they get stuck on.


The idea behind Micro Frontends is to think about a website or web app as a composition of features which are owned by independent teams. Each team has a distinct area of business or mission it cares about and specialises in. A team is cross functional and develops its features end-to-end, from database to user interface. Demo app


It is a greater challenge to form a team that works well together than to orchestrate microservices.


Nodejs software development

Platform Engineering

Platform engineering involves building and maintaining an Internal Developer Platform (IDP) - a set of tools, services, and workflows that enable developers to efficiently build, test, deploy, and monitor applications with minimal friction.

PropTech Solutions

Collect the best tools and develop trade secrets into platforms that provide maximum leverage.


Serverless services are a way to deploy applications without managing the underlying infrastructure. This is done by using cloud providers like AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, etc. to manage the infrastructure for you. This allows you to focus on writing code and deploying it without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

UML Diagram

Use to assist with explaining how software works or should work.