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12 docs tagged with "Thinking"

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Design Thinking

Design thinking is a problem-solving approach that focuses on human needs and perspectives.

Knowledge Schema

A knowledge schema is a mental framework or cognitive structure that helps organize and represent knowledge about a particular concept, topic, or domain. It serves as a blueprint or outline that guides how information is categorized, stored, and retrieved within our memory. Schemas are developed through experience, learning, and exposure to new information.

Process Engineering

Mapping your critical jobs and processes to accurately evaluate the steps needed to complete any workflow while understanding exactly how each process interacts with others to contribute to overall effectiveness of your operations vs strategic goals.

Thought Types

Log chain of thought and events that have evolved thinking on a particular subject. Use this to onboard new people and provide better context for future decisions that impact the subject.

Triarchic Thinking

This process promotes interdisciplinary thinking and synergistic problem-solving, which can lead to more comprehensive and effective solutions.