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Business Documents

The fundamental articles that facilitate the operation and trade between companies.


Sources of information for AI to learn best practices in business operations.

Cost CentreBusiness RecordsTypical Roles Responsible for Compliance
Financial RecordsBalance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, tax returnsCFO, Accountant, Financial Controller
Contracts and Legal DocumentsPartnership agreements, lease agreements, contracts with suppliers and customersLegal Counsel, Contracts Manager, CEO
Employee RecordsEmployment contracts, performance evaluations, payroll records, training logsHR Manager, Department Managers
Operational RecordsProduction logs, inventory records, maintenance logs, quality control recordsOperations Manager, Plant Manager
Meeting Minutes and Decision LogsMinutes from board meetings, team meetings, decision logsSecretary, Project Manager, CEO
Policy and Procedure ManualsEmployee handbook, operational guidelines, safety proceduresCompliance Manager, HR Manager, Operations Manager
Customer RecordsCustomer contracts, sales records, correspondence, complaintsSales Manager, Customer Service Manager, Account Manager
Audit and Compliance ReportsInternal audit reports, regulatory compliance reports, safety inspectionsCompliance Manager, Auditor, Risk Manager
Marketing MaterialsMarket research data, campaign strategies, customer personas, advertising materialsMarketing Manager, CMO, Brand Manager
Intellectual Property DocumentsPatents, trademarks, copyright registrations, licensesLegal Counsel, IP Manager, CEO

Startup Checklist

Create and maintain these documents to ensure a solid foundation for running your startup operations effectively. Remember to regularly review and update these documents as your business evolves.

The business model provides the overarching strategy, while the playbook offers detailed guidelines for day-to-day operations, ensuring consistency and efficiency as you scale.

Business Model Canvas

This strategic management tool provides a visual overview of your business model, and helps you articulate how your startup will create, deliver, and capture value. Subject areas include:

  • Key partners,
  • Activities
  • Resources
  • Value Propositions
  • Customer Relationships
  • Channels
  • Customer Segments
  • Cost Structure
  • Revenue Streams

Business Plan

A comprehensive document that outlines your business strategy, market analysis, financial projections, and overall vision. It typically includes:

  • Executive Summary
  • Company Description
  • Market Analysis
  • Management Team overview
  • Products/Services description
  • Marketing and Sales strategies
  • Financial Projections

Business Playbook

This operational manual contains detailed processes, policies, and standard operating procedures (SOPs) for your startup. It should include:

  • Company vision, mission, and values
  • Organizational structure
  • Employee onboarding procedures
  • Role-specific responsibilities and processes
  • Best practices for various business functions
  • Company policies and guidelines

Pitch Deck

A concise presentation that summarizes your business idea, market opportunity, solution, team, and financial projections. This is crucial for investor communications.

Financial Model

Detailed projections of your startup's revenue, expenses, and cash flow. This helps in planning and decision-making.

These may include:

  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Founders' Agreement
  • Intellectual Property (IP) assignments
  • Employee contracts
  • Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs)

Product Roadmap

A strategic document outlining the vision, direction, and progress of your product development.

Marketing Plan

A detailed strategy for promoting your product or service, including target audience, messaging, and channels.

Customer Acquisition Plan

A document outlining your strategies for attracting and retaining customers.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan

An analysis of potential risks to your business and strategies to address them.