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Inner Space

Creative breakthroughs come from connecting with the void.

Your personality shapes your personal reality. The flow of progress requires ego-less intention with effortless attention.


What are the essential ingredients to living a fulfilling life?

  1. Social Engagement
  2. Movement Health
  3. Mental Fitness
  4. Nurturing Environment
  5. Spiritual Connection

Bad Habits

The main challenge in making changes is the need to make different choices. If you keep making the same choices:

  • You keep doing the same things
  • You keep creating the same experiences
  • You keep feeling the same emotions
  • Your biology, neural circuitry, neurochemistry, hormones, and gene expression will remain the same

By mid-life, about 95% of who we are is an unconscious set of thoughts, behaviors, and emotions automatically programmed into our biology.


Dis-ease creates disease

Positive Change

  1. Become conscious of unconscious thoughts: The first step isn't positive thinking, but becoming aware of unconscious thoughts.
  2. Make different choices: When you decide to make a different choice, it may feel unfamiliar. Thoughts like "start tomorrow" or "it's too hard" may arise. The key is to make the choice anyway.
  3. Repetition and conditioning: If you keep thinking, acting, and feeling the same way repeatedly, those circuits in the brain become hardwired. Emotions in response to situations or thoughts get subconsciously programmed into the body.

Tune into the wisdom in your body

Human Potential

Keep learning, explore consciousness, keep growing, stay healthy.

  1. Expand knowledge: Combining quantum physics, neuroscience, neuroendocrinology, psychoneuroimmunology, epigenetics, and electromagnetism to help people understand theoretical and philosophical information.
  2. Creating new neural connections: Learning creates new connections in the brain. However, if not reviewed or repeated, these circuits prune apart within hours or days.
  3. Applying knowledge: Set up conditions for people to apply, personalize, and demonstrate their knowledge, aligning behaviors with intentions and thoughts with actions.
  4. Creating experiences: When mind and body work together, it creates an experience that enriches brain circuitry and produces emotions.
  5. Embody knowledge: Through repetition, the body learns to understand what the mind has intellectually grasped. Eventually, this becomes a subconscious program - it becomes who you are.
  6. Immersive experiences: Surround yourself with people aligned in purpose that fully immerse themselves in the transformation process.
  7. Reinforcing learning: Having participants teach what they've learned to others. This helps wire the information into their brains more effectively.

People Change People. We become the product of the people we spend the most time with


First we make our habits then our habits make us.

Handwriting has the greatest impact on neurological functioning. You can direct the movies of your mind through the practice of writing out positive thoughts and intentions:

How handwriting can transform your personal reality:

  1. Neurological impact: Handwriting activates more areas of the brain compared to typing, creating stronger neural pathways and imprinting ideas more deeply
  2. Reshaping thought patterns: Consciously rewriting your narrative by hand can help reprogram your subconscious mind and align your thoughts with your desires
  3. Increased self-awareness: The physical act of writing allows for reflection and helps you gain clarity on your thoughts, feelings, and experiences
  4. Boosting confidence and self-esteem: Developing good handwriting skills can increase confidence in self-expression
  5. Enhancing creativity and critical thinking: The slower pace of handwriting compared to typing gives more time to process information and make new connections
  6. Therapeutic effects: Handwriting can be a form of therapy, helping to ease depression and anxiety by allowing you to process emotions
  7. Improved learning and memory: Writing by hand has been shown to improve comprehension and retention of information
  8. Reframing negative experiences: Handwriting allows you to consciously reshape your perspective on past events, focusing on silver linings and positive outcomes
  9. Goal setting and visualization: Writing down goals and positive affirmations by hand can help make them feel more tangible and achievable
  10. Personal growth: Regular handwritten journaling can foster self-reflection, problem-solving, and the development of a growth mindset.

By consistently using handwriting to craft and reinforce positive narratives, you can gradually transform your beliefs, attitudes, and ultimately your personal reality.

  • "The best thing in life is..."
  • "I am excited by the opportunity to..."
  • "I am feeling positive about... because..."



The key is to use this time to become conscious of your unconscious thoughts, behaviors, and emotions, and to set clear intentions for how you want to be during the day. This practice helps reprogram your subconscious mind and creates a bridge between your current self and the person you aspire to be. Based on Joe Dispenza's insights, here's an effective morning routine you can follow:

  1. Upon waking, stay in a relaxed state between sleep and full wakefulness. This is when your brain transitions from delta to theta to alpha waves, making it an ideal time for programming your subconscious mind.
  2. Ask yourself: "What's the greatest ideal of myself that I can be today?" This sets a positive intention for your day.
  3. Remind yourself of the things you want to change about yourself. This keeps you conscious of habits or behaviors you're trying to modify.
  4. Set specific intentions for the day, such as:
    • "I'm not going to complain or blame anyone today."
    • "I'm going to keep my energy up all day."
    • "I won't judge others."
  5. Practice feeling the emotions you want to experience throughout the day. As Dispenza says, "Let me teach my body what it feels like. Let me bring up the feeling so many times that I can bring it up on my own."
  6. Visualize how you want to behave, think, and feel during the day. This mental rehearsal primes your brain and body for the experiences you want to create.
  7. Consider doing a brief meditation to synchronize your heart and brain. Dispenza recommends a 15-20 minute heart coherence meditation.

Your personality creates your personal reality


Purpose = Intention + Attention: Remember that in any moment you have the power to decide which narratives are worth investing your time and energy into.

  • Where is your awareness right now?
  • What message is your unconscious mind sending you?
  • Where would you rather focus your attention?
  • How can you make the switch?


The period just before sleep is when the door to your subconscious mind is open, making it an ideal time for this kind of self-reflection and intention setting.

  1. Get comfortable in bed and enter a relaxed state, transitioning from beta to alpha brain waves.
  2. Enter your "think box" a mental space for self-reflection. Ask yourself these questions:
    • How did I do today?
    • When did I fall from grace or react negatively?
    • What were my triumphs? What was I victorious with?
    • What do I love about myself?
    • How did I react to challenging situations or people?
    • What thoughts or behaviors do I want to change?
  3. Set intentions for tomorrow:
    • How do I want to think, act, and feel tomorrow?
    • What beliefs do I want to reinforce?
    • How will I behave with my co-workers/family/friends?
    • What emotions do I want to cultivate?
  4. Review and mentally rehearse:
    • Remind yourself of how you don't want to react
    • Visualize yourself responding in better ways to challenges
    • Reinforce positive thoughts and behaviors you want to embody
  5. Transition to your "play box":
    • Let go of analytical thinking
    • Surrender to a state of openness and creativity
    • Allow yourself to relax and drift off to sleep

The key is to use this time to become conscious of your unconscious thoughts, behaviors, and emotions, and to set clear intentions for how you want to be tomorrow. This practice helps reprogram your subconscious mind and creates a bridge between your current self and the person you aspire to be.


Practice gaining greater perspective by asking better questions. What is the most valuable question you could ask yourself?

  • Did I live today to my core values?