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Testing Smart Contracts

Outline general approach to Smart Contract testing here with links to specifc code explanations under Solidity or alternative Smart Contract language.

Testing with Hardhat

Testing with Remix

After deploying the contracts from a local development environment.

For testing with Injected Web3 environment you need to authorize the account with Metamask

After connection your account shows in the dropdown menu.

To interact with the contract copy the hash into the At Address input box.


Advanced Foundry Updraft

forge coverage

Fuzz testing: throwing random data at the system.

Formal verification: mathematical proof that the system works as intended.

Symbolic execution is a technique that can be used to analyze a program to determine what inputs cause each part of a program to execute. It is a form of program analysis that follows the path of execution of a program as opposed to the program's actual execution.

solc --model-checker-engine chc --model-checker-targets oveflow ExamplContract.sol