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Business Ideas

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People believe in dreams not products, what story are you selling?

The biggest friction points in business models stem from coordination issues that show up as higher operating costs, capital expenditures, or degrading unit economics, Crypto can fix that - Santiago R Santos


Build a Checklist to Follow and Platform for launching and running new business ideas on shared Crypto (Protocols) Rails.


Build an ecosystem of businesses that run Business Operations as Shared Services to explore how Crypto+AI Rails can remove friction and build stronger communities.

Domain NameDreamEngineering
dreamineering.comEngineer a platform of digital mycelium for launching and running creative enterprises.1/10
betterpractice.spaceSpaces for maximizing human potential1/10
berleytrails.comMarketing Agency1/10
food trucksUse food truck business to explore crypto+ai business model optimisation1/10
howz.usSocial platform for strengthening social glue, anti howzme influencer bullshit.1/10
prettymint.xyxFashion and Branding, leveraging NFT strategy to building community collaboration and ownership1/10
stackmat.esProperty development with focus on community development to tackle loneliness, waste and affordability1/10
touchfor.funArrange pickup games of touch rugby everywhere in the world with emphasis on meeting new people and having fun.1/10

Adapt the Balanced Scorecard to establish a standard protocol for assessing pitch decks

The Journey

You need to systematically feed your dreams because you cannot borrow conviction. Feed the dream, extract the memes.

The Heroes Journey

You don't do things because they are easy, you do them because they are hard - JFK