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The best way to predict the future is to dreamineer it.

A longlasting business creates and distributes enough value to keep everyone concerned satfisfied. Big does not mean good.

Learn to sell, Learn to build. Master both and you will be unstoppable - Naval

The Problem

There is so much friction to starting a business, the same stumbling blocks are repeated over and over again.

Millions of people are going to be displaced by AI and automation, and they need to invent a new way to make a living.

The Value Creation Formula

Great engineers think like investors. Great investors think like engineers. Both understand that time is the ultimate judge - measuring both speed to value and durability of that value. Both know that unserviceable debt kills dreams.

Success demands mastery of two arts:

  1. Breaking complex systems into fundamental truths
  2. Translating those truths into stories that inspire action

The Power of Story

Engineers and investors are modern storytellers. Their narratives must:

  • Capture imagination
  • Command attention
  • Convert sceptics into believers
  • Channel resources toward shared dreams

The Bridge

When dreams align with execution, magic happens. This alignment creates the social gravity that pulls talent, capital, and opportunity into orbit around transformative ideas. It's how bold visions become lived reality.

This is not just about building products or making returns. It's about creating futures worth investing in.

Speed beats strategy

The Game

Drive meaningful progress through delivering real world value by constantly investing in experiments with technology and protocols to discover potential while maximizing leverage for growth.

first principles of flow

How will Smart Agents and DePIN tech change the rules of the game?

Value Proposition

Follow the critical path to reach critical mass where accumulated assets and systems generate enough income that your continued efforts drive virtuous cycles of continuous value creation rather than fighting the current to remain relevant.

Production to Distribution

  1. Understand what drives people to act as the do
  2. Monitor tech innovation's impact on market forces
  3. Imagine scenarios for potential opportunities and threats
  4. Model probabilities of potential outcomes
  5. Leverage tech to optimise operating models
  6. Create a strategy to deliver a strong point of difference (identity)
  7. Underline commitment with appropriately sized bets

The Sovereignty Game is not an alternative to venture capital; it's a revolution.


Feed your brain with ideas for making leaps of imagination.


The quality of the products you serve are a consequence of your unseen practices.

  1. Culture First
  2. Prioritize direct customer feedback on user experience (feel the pain)
  3. Maintain hands-on approach in product development and key decisions
  4. Stay deeply involved in operations, not just high-level strategy
  5. Flat hierarchy with cross-functional teams for special projects
  6. Trust your instincts and vision over conventional management advice
  7. Set clear expectations to challenge and replace underperforming employees
  8. Continuously innovate to create stories that feed belief systems.

If it's not onchain it won't be trusted, no trust, no investment


The leader is the one that knows what to do next!

Build trust from the inside out to find a way to extract valuable outcomes from eventful collisions. Enduring cultural movements have soul.

Humans can't compete with machines for raw intelligence, but will they have soul?


Convert customers into a community of advocates and collaborators through incentive design.

  • Who are they?
  • What do they desire?
  • What is their problem?
  • How many of them are there?
  • Do you feel their pain?
  • What is your virtuous cycle?

Communities make tokens, tokens don't make communities


Find weak edges, to lead the marketplace in providing a unique point of difference.

Agree benchmarks and consequential decisions in advance


Distribution is often considered the biggest challenge to success.

Distribution determines how effectively a product or service reaches its intended customers. Without effective distribution, even the best products may fail. Other aspects of nailing distribution include:

  1. Token Design: Critical to building an ecosystem of communities that self govern to establish flywheel effects.
  2. Scalability: A good distribution strategy allows a business to scale up efficiently, reaching more customers without proportionally increasing costs or dropping standards for quality.
  3. Competitive advantage: Superior distribution can be a significant differentiator in competitive markets.
  4. Cost implications: Distribution often represents a major portion of a product's final cost, directly impacting profitability.
  5. Market feedback: Distribution channels often provide valuable market insights and customer feedback.
  6. Adaptability: As markets and technologies evolve, businesses must continually adapt their distribution strategies to remain relevant.
  7. Customer experience: The distribution process greatly influences customer satisfaction, affecting loyalty and repeat business.

For other business models factors like product development, marketing, or customer service might be equally or more challenging.


DePIN technologies will revolutionize traditional distribution models

Business Operations

Understand key activities and expected outcomes of top performers, then aim to recruit SaaS Products and leverage AI Agents to minimize operating costs while maximizing operational effectiveness.

  1. Legal
  2. Accounting
  3. Finance
  4. Human Resources

Explore Business Operations as a Service opportunities.


Never delegate anything related to product and positioning


What mix of roles and capabilities do you need on your team to drive progress most effectively?

Explore how AI Agents can be employed to replace traditional Software Products to amplify human capabilities to fulfil common jobs to launch innovative communities.

Review SaaS Products to identify opportunities for building a team of customized AI Agents that complement your vision and mission.


  • Resources: bootstrapping, angel investors, venture capital, crowdfunding, and bank loans.
  • Networking: Build relationships with investors and mentors that provide not only capital but also guidance and connections.
  • Pitching: Develop a compelling pitch that clearly communicates the business idea, market potential, and financial projections to potential investors.
  • Tokenization: Real Estate is one of the biggest expenses, use tokenization to invest in the business indirectly through rent
  • DeFI: Automatic loans based on a standardized business plan protocol backed by onchain credibility?
