The quality of our lives are a reflection of the stories we repeat and the company we keep.
Team sports are life's greatest teachers of how success flows from selfless coordination of pure intent.
Play long-term games with long-term people
- Health, Physical and Mental
- Safety & Security
- Food & Water
- Shelter & Clothing
- Connection & Spirit
- Meaning & Recognition
- Archetypes
- Capabilities
- Character
- Drive: Security first then fulfilment of potential
- Masterminds
The Journey
What capabilities do you need on your journey towards fulfilment?
Leverage the organising power of intent to smooth the flow of progress towards your goals.
- Start with the end clearly in mind
- Visualise the overcoming obstacles on critical path to success.
- Explore ideas, don't become owned by them.
If you don't share a picture success how can you team on the path towards it? :::