What makes people tick?

There are two types of people, those that do real work to help others, those that suck value of the system for their own gain. Engineer protocols to attract the former while draining the later from the system.
Play long-term games with long-term people
Ethical, Capable, Driven, Good Humoured, and Coachable
- Character: Depth of Virtues
- Capabilities: Range of Skillset
- Driving Forces: What Makes People Move? What Influences Direction?
- Archetypes: Base Player Types
- Profiles: Build a Circle of Masterminds
- Problems: What challenges unite us?
- Jobs to be Done: How do you identify products and services that others need?
- Digital Identity: How can you trust what is online?
- Culture: How can you incentivise stronger communities
- Governance: How can decentralized leadership work?
- Future of Work: What will provide meaningful endeavour?
- Dream Engineers: Convert inspiration into systems that drive progress.
The quality of our lives are a reflection of the stories we repeat and the company we keep.
Team sports are life's greatest teachers of how success flows from selfless coordination of pure intent.
Essential Needs
Strong Identity and Belief System.
- Meaning & Gratitude
- Energy
- Good Food & Water
- Health
- Agile Body
- Alert Mind
- Safety & Security
- Shelter & Warmth
- Clothing
- Housing
Proof of Personhood and self-sovereign identity will be foundational to establishing trusted connections.
- Big Decisions: What are the key turning points from the cradle to grave?
- Drive: Security first then fulfilment of potential?
- Character: What makes a person/agent what they are?
- Archetypes: What are the common conditions of being human?
- Capabilities: What blend of skills would make you indispensable?
- Profiles: What can you take away and apply from others?
The Journey
Meaningful Progress: What capabilities and experiences do you need on your journey towards fulfilment?

Inner space is the important frontier anyone can explore.
- Start with the end clearly in mind
- Visualise the overcoming obstacles on critical path to success.
- Explore ideas, don't become owned by them.
Expectation Management
If your view of the world is that people use reason for their important decisions, you are setting yourself up for a life of frustration and confusion. You'll find yourself continually debating people and never winning except in your own mind. Few things are as destructive and limiting as a worldview that assumes people are mostly rational. - Scott Adams