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Buidl Your Dreams

Ecosystem | Berleytrails | Economics

The best idea doesn't always win, the idea that is sold the best does.

If you are gonna sell dreams you better be good at explaining why and how you intend to engineer their reality.

Problems sell products. What is the most important problem you were born to solve?


Idea Maze

Leverage AI to run minimal cost experiments to grow confidence to take on bigger bets.

Never get too attached to your ideas, always stay in touch with your values.

Selling Ideas

Evolve pitch decks to practice selling the future with confidence to align intentions and strengthen commitment.

first principles of flow
  • Sell an idea
  • Sell a vision
  • Sell a decision
  • Sell a destiny


Confirm if you have a prettymint idea or not.

  1. Validated problem
  2. Explored possibilities
  3. Truth verification protocols
  4. Conviction to predictions
  5. Position to be successful
  6. Community & social proof
  7. Viral messaging strategy
  8. Reward is worth the fight

Don't over commit before you have sold the problem.


The world no longer needs experts, it needs explorers.

Provide business engineers with the platform to explore their talents, then get out of their way.

  1. Broaden your horizons
  2. Align intentions
  3. Focus attention
  4. Dig Deep
  5. Distribute value


Problem to Market-fit iteration

  1. Choose a problem
  2. Turn problem into questions
  3. Devise experiments to answer questions
  4. Analyse findings
  5. Commit bets

Or decide to be lucky.

  1. Do something out of interest
  2. Ask questions to find the problem
  3. Make connections
  4. Fall into success


Run minimal viable tests to explore ideas and rectify riskiest assumptions.


Build a tech stack that uses pitch decks as the focal communication tool to convert thoughts into things.

Tech Stack Building


How do successful organisations run experiments to evolve?


Who runs the best hackathons to back their onchain value proposition?

Hackathon Analysis