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Crypto Business Models

Beyond the hype, how can Web3 be used to run real world businesses better?

Idea Sources

Value Proposition

  • Automation & Efficiency: By employing autonomous agents and smart contracts, complex processes can be automated, reducing the need for intermediaries and enhancing efficiency.
  • Personalization & User Engagement: AI algorithms allow for the crafting of personalized experiences on Web3 platforms, fostering deeper user engagement.
  • Decentralized Control & Monetization: Decentralized data marketplaces enable individuals to have more control over their data and monetize it securely.
  • Enhanced Analytics & Insights: Advanced analytics through AI provides valuable insights, predictive analytics, and personalized recommendations within the decentralized landscape.
  • Improved Security & Privacy: AI techniques improve cybersecurity by detecting vulnerabilities and threats, building trust and confidence in Web3 platforms.
  • Innovative Governance Models: AI aids in the creation and optimization of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), enhancing transparency and adaptability.

AI & Crypto a16z


  • Technical Complexity: The integration of Web3 and AI requires sophisticated technical understanding, and implementing it can be complex.
  • Data Privacy & Security Concerns: Though AI can enhance security, it also raises concerns about data privacy, and managing these aspects can be challenging.
  • Interoperability Issues: Ensuring seamless integration and communication between various Web3 and AI components may present obstacles.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Navigating the legal and regulatory landscape for decentralized technologies combined with AI might be complex.
  • Scalability & Performance: Managing the scalability of the integrated system without compromising performance may be demanding.
  • Ethical Considerations: Ensuring that the use of AI in decentralized systems aligns with ethical principles and social norms can be challenging.


Autonomous Agents

  • Insights: Can be used with real-time data and predefined rules on Web3 platforms to automate processes and reduce intermediaries.
  • Actions: Investigate possibilities of integrating autonomous agents in existing systems; define rules for automating transactions.


  • Insights: AI in Web3 platforms can create tailored user experiences by analyzing data and patterns, improving engagement.

  • Actions: Implement AI techniques for content filtering; evaluate user experience for continuous improvement. Decentralized Data Marketplaces

  • Insights: AI can create decentralized marketplaces, allowing secure data sharing and monetization while maintaining privacy.

  • Actions: Explore options for decentralized data marketplace development; ensure proper security and privacy controls.

Analytics & Insights

  • Insights: AI methods can provide predictive analytics and personalized recommendations in Web3 networks, improving user understanding.
  • Actions: Incorporate machine learning and NLP for data analysis; regularly update algorithms for accuracy.

Security & Privacy

  • Insights: Advanced AI techniques can enhance cybersecurity in Web3 ecosystems, increasing trust and confidence.
  • Actions: Implement AI models to detect vulnerabilities and threats; monitor continuously for enhanced security.

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)

  • Insights: AI is key in automating and optimizing operations in DAOs, providing transparency and adaptability.
  • Actions: Investigate opportunities for integrating AI in DAOs; monitor and adapt governance models accordingly.

AI Automation


  • AI reduces barriers to trade through data analytics and translation services, allowing for a more seamless exchange of goods and services internationally.
  • AI can accelerate the transition towards service economies, expanding automation and emphasizing worker skills to add value to production and products.
  • AI improves the development and management of global value chains. It enhances predictions of future trends and risk management along the supply chain, improving overall efficiency.
  • AI can influence on-shoring of production due to broader automation opportunities and scaling of 3D printing, which might reduce the need for extended supply chains.
  • AI is being deployed on digital platforms like eBay to enable global trade for small businesses. For instance, AI-driven translation services have significantly increased exports to regions where different languages are spoken.


  • Businesses should invest in AI technologies and upskill their workforce to understand and operate these technologies.
  • Companies should integrate AI into their supply chain management to improve efficiency and anticipate future trends and risks.
  • Organizations, especially small businesses, should leverage AI-enabled digital platforms for expanding their reach to global markets.
  • Governments and trade organizations need to adapt trade policies and regulations to consider the influence of AI on global trade dynamics.


How can tokenomics be used to create loyal customers?

Tokenomics as a go to market strategy are one of the key value propositions of building on Web3. It has never been easier for organsisations to leverage networks to bootstrap critical mass.

  • Tokengated Commerce
  • How should you incentivize users with tokens?
  • What should vesting schedule look like?
  • How should tokens be split between team, investors and community?
  • Is there a standard template for token warrents?

Supply is limited and mistakes are irreversible. Using tokens as a user acquistion strategy without a great product is a waste of marketing budget

Onchain Transactions

Digital Identity Evolving identity protocols will create opportunities to mine a web of reputation. In web3 the building communities is essential for sustained success.


  • Web 3.0, often associated with blockchain technology, provides a new level of personalization, enhancing the user's online experience based on their preferences and needs【19†source】【21†source】.
  • The decentralized nature of blockchain technology enables data storage that can't be easily censored by any one entity, allowing for a more democratic and transparent internet【19†source】.
  • Blockchain technology underpins the evolution of Web 3.0 into Web3, emphasizing the implementation of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and the metaverse, driving trillions of dollars in economic activity【24†source】【25†source】.
  • Web 3.0 is expected to change the way people access data, going beyond PCs and smartphones, and enabling content access anytime, anywhere through any number of devices【23†source】.


  • Businesses should begin to align their practices with the decentralized web, exploring blockchain technologies for applications in their sector.
  • Companies should consider how they can personalize their online services and content to enhance user experience in the Web 3.0 era.
  • Businesses should explore VR, AR, and metaverse technologies as they become increasingly integrated with Web3.
  • Preparing for the ubiquitous nature of Web 3.0, businesses should make their services accessible across various devices and platforms.

By understanding these potential changes and taking the necessary steps to prepare, businesses can position themselves to benefit from the advantages offered by AI and blockchain technologies.