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Infinite data and compute.

What is the investment case for Arweave and AO Computer?

Investment Case

Investment Case for Arweave:

  1. Unique value proposition: Arweave offers permanent, decentralized data storage, addressing a critical need in the digital age.
  2. Innovative technology: The blockweave structure and Proof of Access consensus mechanism provide scalability and efficiency advantages over traditional blockchains.
  3. Growing ecosystem: Arweave is being used by major projects and companies, indicating increasing adoption and utility.
  4. Deflationary tokenomics: The fixed supply of 66 million AR tokens creates potential for value appreciation as usage grows.
  5. Long-term vision: Arweave aims to create a "permaweb" that preserves humanity's most important information indefinitely.

Investment Case for AO Computer:

  1. Next-generation decentralized computing: AO aims to create a truly scalable "world computer" that overcomes limitations of previous attempts.
  2. Novel architecture: Splitting blockchain functions into separate components allows for greater scalability and flexibility.
  3. AI integration: The ability to run AI models like LLMs on-chain opens up new possibilities for decentralized applications.
  4. Fair launch model: The token distribution approach incentivizes early adoption and liquidity provision.
  5. Potential network effects: If successful, AO could become a major platform for decentralized applications and services.


Tokenomics Analysis:

  1. Fixed supply: The 66 million AR token cap creates scarcity and potential for value appreciation.
  2. Deflationary mechanism: As more data is stored, more AR tokens are effectively taken out of circulation.
  3. Sustainable incentives: The endowment model aims to ensure long-term sustainability of storage costs.
  4. Balanced distribution: Allocation between miners, team, and ecosystem development seems reasonably balanced.
  5. Long-term alignment: Vesting schedules and lock-ups for team and advisors align incentives for long-term success.

Adoption Path

Critical Factors for Adoption:

  1. Developer ecosystem: Attracting more developers to build on Arweave and AO is crucial for expanding use cases.
  2. User-friendly interfaces: Simplifying the process of using Arweave for average users could drive broader adoption.
  3. Partnerships and integrations: Continued collaboration with major projects and companies will increase utility and visibility.
  4. Regulatory clarity: As a data storage solution, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations is important.
  5. Scaling infrastructure: Continued improvement of the network's capacity and performance to handle growing demand.


Based on the information provided, the biggest weakness of Arweave appears to be its "Democratic Content Policy" that allows network nodes to issue blacklists for certain content. This introduces an element of potential censorship, which goes against the principles of true decentralization and could limit adoption by users seeking a completely open and neutral platform. This policy creates a point of conflict with the ideal of an uncensorable, permanent storage solution.