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You can't make progress if you lack the courage to face up to problems with honesty and integrity.

first principles of flow


Every problem should be so fucking clearly defined that anyone can jump in to solve it without requiring additional information.

  1. Create a database of well defined problems
  2. Gain consensus on their worth to be solved
  3. Incentivize rewards for anyone to solve them.


What is the best process to go about identification, prioritization and focusing attention on solving valuable problems.

  1. Know Your Enemy
  2. Embrace Chaos
  3. Specification
  4. Bet on Experiments

Entering the Danger

Develop rituals to dedicate time, location and mindset to honestly face the truth in identify problems worth solving. Approach these situations with courage, empathy and a genuine desire to improve rather than assigning blame.

  1. Prepare mentally. Remind yourself that addressing the uncomfortable issue is ultimately in the best interest of the team/organization, even if it feels risky in the moment.
  2. Be willing to be vulnerable. Share your own challenges or mistakes to create psychological safety for others.
  3. Be direct but respectful. Bring up the sensitive topic clearly and directly, but in a calm and non-judgmental tone.
  4. Have a clear purpose. Know why addressing this issue is important and be able to articulate that if needed.
  5. Ask open-ended questions. Use questions to invite discussion rather than making statements. For example, "What are people's thoughts on what just happened?"
  6. Listen actively. Once you've opened up the difficult topic, focus on listening to understand different perspectives.
  7. Use "I" statements. Frame observations in terms of your own perspective rather than making accusations. For example, "I noticed there was tension after that comment" rather than "You upset everyone with what you said."
  8. Acknowledge the discomfort. It can help to name that this is a difficult conversation. For example, "I know this is an uncomfortable topic, but I think it's important we discuss it."
  9. Focus on the issue, not the person. Keep the conversation centred on behaviors and impacts rather than attacking someone's character.
  10. Look for common ground. Try to identify shared goals or values that can serve as a foundation for addressing the issue.
  11. Be prepared to pause. If emotions get too heated, be willing to take a break and revisit the conversation later.
  12. Follow up. After a difficult conversation, check in with people individually to see how they're processing it.

With practice, entering the danger becomes less daunting and more of a valuable tool for growth and problem-solving. Dedicate the sessions as the time and space for airing problems, but when not in session commit to getting on with things without complaint.

Global Problems

  1. Distrust
  2. Crony Capitalism
  3. The Industrial War Complex
  4. People desire fame over character
  5. Attention manipulation
  6. AI scams and digital pollution
  7. The young can't afford a home, the old are struggling alone
  8. Plastic everywhere


Trust in our institutions is at an all-time low. The media, government, and corporations are all distrusted by large numbers of the population.

Crony Capitalism

  • Nepotism
  • Ego over ethics
  • Short-term thinking
  • Cannot trust centralised power
  • The rich keep becoming much richer

Domain Specific

Problem Solving

Form experiments to make progress by validating assumptions.

If I had an hour to solve a problem I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes thinking about solutions - Albert Einstein


Flow of Value

  1. Map the big picture for context
  2. Identify the source
  3. Classify the problem
  4. Form a theory
  5. Organise information
  6. Define levers and expectations
  7. Present an argument
  8. Make Bets
  9. Monitor and adjust

Is there an algorithm that can help me solve this problem?


Problems sell products, improve mental models to explore problems in order to create and distribute valuable solutions.

Intellectual traits elevate Intellectual Standards.

  • Courage
  • Respect
  • Honesty
  • Humility
  • Integrity
  • Perseverance
  • Autonomy
  • Empathy
  • Purpose

Intellectual Standards improve Ability to Reason.

  • Accuracy
  • Precision
  • Clarity
  • Depth
  • Relevance
  • Significance
  • Logic
  • Fairness
  • Sufficiency
  • Breadth

Ability to Reason closes the loop to improve Intellectual Traits.

  • Purposes
  • Inferences
  • Questions
  • Concepts
  • Points of view
  • Implications
  • Information
  • Assumptions


Use exploratory diagrams to explore different interpretations of the big picture.

Incentive Design

Fix incentives to align behaviours with better outcomes.

Incentive Design
