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Onchain Privacy

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Snarkifying of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

In concept this would incorporating ZK-SNARKs into the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) for enhanced privacy and scalability.

ZK-SNARKs have the potential to fundamentally change how we interact with blockchain networks by providing privacy and efficiency, making them one of the most promising technologies in modern cryptography.


  • Privacy: Sensitive data can remain confidential.
  • Scalability: Reduces computational load on the Ethereum network.
  • Efficiency: Enables complex computations to be done faster and cheaper.
  • Reduced Costs: Off-chain computations can reduce the cost of executing smart contracts
  • Minimal hardware: Run


Developers write smart contracts that perform certain computations off-chain while generating proofs that the computation was done correctly.

Data Availability Sampling to sync conical chain.

  • Solves bandwidth problem
  • Only small queries of chunks of blocks are needed to verify the chain

How smart contracts can execute computations off-chain.

  • Contract Deployment: Smart contracts defining off-chain computations are first deployed to the blockchain.
  • Off-Chain Computation: Computations are carried out off-chain, typically on separate servers.
  • Input Parameters: Off-chain components receive inputs through off-chain messages, oracles, or APIs.
  • Computation Execution: The off-chain component performs calculations and generates results.
  • Generating a Proof: A cryptographic proof of the computation's correctness is created.
  • Proof Verification: This proof is submitted to the on-chain smart contract for verification.
  • Result Verification and Execution: The smart contract verifies the proof and then either stores the result or takes some action based on it.

Use Cases

Potential use cases are

  • Multi-threaded EVM layer one scaling
  • Convert optimistic rollups into ZK rollups
  • Validators that could run from a smart watch

Privacy-Preserving Transactions

  • Confidential Transactions: You can have transactions where the amount, sender, and receiver are encrypted but still verifiable by the network.
  • Anonymous Voting: Enables voting on the blockchain where the user's choice is hidden but still counted.

Data Security

  • Private Identity Verification: Users can prove they meet certain conditions (like age or nationality) without revealing the actual data.
  • Credential Verification: Verification of academic or professional credentials can be done without revealing the details of the credential.

Decentralized Exchanges

  • Private Trading: Enables trading operations to occur in a decentralized, yet confidential manner.
  • Order Matching: Privacy features could conceal orders until execution, preventing front-running and market manipulation.


  • Off-chain Computations: Complex calculations can be performed off-chain and then verified on-chain, thus reducing the computational load on the Ethereum network.
  • Batching Transactions: Multiple transactions can be batched into one proof, significantly reducing the amount of data that needs to be stored on-chain.

Supply Chain

  • Secret Contracts: Contracts that conditionally release payment or other assets without revealing supply chain details.
  • Product Traceability: Ensures the authenticity of products in the supply chain while keeping sensitive information confidential.

Cross-chain Interactions

  • Interoperability: ZK-SNARKs can be used to provide proof from one blockchain to another, enabling more seamless cross-chain interactions.

Regulatory Compliance

  • AML/KYC: Allows for Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) compliance while maintaining user privacy.

Auctions and Bidding

  • Sealed-bid Auctions: Bids are kept secret until the auction ends, but their validity can be verified on-chain.

Intellectual Property

  • Proof of Existence: Prove the existence of certain information at a point in time without revealing the actual information.


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