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Qualify and quantify what the future looks like.

Forecasts need to be established by methodically following standardized processes.

  1. Triage: Stop losses first. Focus on questions where your hard work will have an immediate pay off before seeking opportunities.
  2. Break Problems Down: Identity the true nature of the problem.
  3. Balance Perspectives: Take inside and outside views, reality leaves a lot to the imagination.
  4. Update your Beliefs: Strong opinions loosely held.
  5. Connect the Dots: Everything is connected, look for the meta of the matter.
  6. Reduce Uncertainty: Establish what you hold to be true.
  7. Balance Risk: Prudence and Decisiveness
  8. Document Decisions: Document how and why decisions are made to improve future process.
  9. Grow a Team: Spread the load, create more valuable insights.


Train yourself to see into the future.

Standards drive predictability