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Business Operations

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An Operations Playbook details the Tools and Procedures to implement the Business Model. It ensures consistency and efficiency across the organization. For example, outlines specific steps for managing inventory, executing marketing campaigns, and providing customer service to ensure that all teams follow a consistent approach.

Cost CentreIntentProcess TypesActivitiesRolesAI Agent%SaaS Toolkit
StrategyProfitImaginativeDirection, Purpose and Identity
Product DevelopmentProfitInventiveCreate and Deliver Value
SalesRevenueHumanConvert Interest into Commitment
MarketingRevenueInnovativeFind, Attract, Educate
Customer SuccessRevenueHumanOnboarding and Progression
ManagementCostsLogisticOptimize Systems, Protocols and People
Process OptimisationCostsInnovativeProcurement
Property ManagementCostsRoutineProcurement
ComplianceCostsRoutineAccounting, Human Resources, Data Integrity

Understand key activities and expected outcomes of top performers, then aim to recruit SaaS Products and leverage AI Agents to minimize operating costs while maximizing operational effectiveness.


  • Cost Centre: Ledger name
  • Ledger Intent: Increase revenue or a cost of business.
  • Process Type: Imaginative, Inventive, Innovative, Compliance, Deterministic
  • Roles: Dedicated roles for this job function.
  • Agent %: Percentage of work activities that can be handled by AI agents.
  • SaaS Toolkit:
  • Business Records:

Never delegate anything related to product and positioning

Business Engineering

Develop AI Agents to build a maximally effective team.

Business Engineering
  • What processes are most important?
  • Which processes can be replaced by AI?
  • Which processes can AI assist humans best?
  • Which processes do humans add the most value? What capabilities do they require?
  • What can responsibly, ethically and effectively be outsourced to AI?
  • How will crypto primitives change the rules of business operations?
  • Are you using the best tech choice? Buy or build?
  • Do you have the talent mix to mitigate risk and maximize opportunity?
  • Are you regularly looking at the numbers you need to and can trust?


  • Define the Job to be done
  • Find the best tool
    1. Cost
    2. Speed
    3. Accuracy
    4. Consistency
    5. Simplicity
  • Master functionality
  • Fix protocols to workflows
  • Automate
