Risk Management
Behavioural Psychology and Risk Management
The Nature of Risk
- Risk is the probability of loss, not just volatility. Volatility can be a symptom of risk but is not risk itself.
- Risk is unquantifiable, both in advance and even after the fact. The possibility of loss is a matter of opinion.
- More things can happen than will happen. The future is a range of possibilities, not a fixed outcome.
Evaluate Risk Properly
- Risk is counter-intuitive and perverse. Lower prices make assets less risky, while rising prices make them riskier, contrary to common perception.
- Risk is hidden and deceptive. An investment can appear safe for a long time before its flaws are revealed during a negative event.
- Risk is not a function of asset quality alone. High quality assets can become risky if overpriced, while low quality assets can be safe if cheap enough.
Manage Risk Intelligently
- Use subjective expert judgment to assess the probability of loss, rather than precise but less relevant quantitative measures.
- Be prepared for when things turn out differently than expected. That is the essence of risk management.
- Manage risk continuously, not sporadically. Risk control is always needed since we never know when bad things will happen.
- Take risks you understand, can analyze, diversify, and are well-compensated for, like an insurance company.
- Assemble portfolios that produce good returns if things go as expected but also control risk in case they don't. This asymmetry is key to superior investing.