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Which countries have the most potential to leverage AI and blockchain to drive innovation and growth?



AI will level intellectual property playing field, blockchain will enable permissionless and borderless innovation while crypto will provide global participatory capital.


Evolve a comprehensive framework for comparing countries, from the perspective of expats interested in freedom of movement and leveraging technological innovation to drive more effective governance. This will allow for a more standardized and objective comparison across various nations, helping potential expats, and forward thinking governments to make informed decisions based on their priorities for how AI, blockchain, and crypto should shape societies of tomorrow.

Integration and Culture

  • Ease of integration
  • Cultural adaptability
  • Language barriers
  • Expat community support

Top 4 countries:

Economy and Career

  • Job market for internationals
  • Long-term career prospects
  • Work-life balance
  • Cost of living
  • Opportunities for personal growth

Top 4 countries:

Quality of Life

  • Healthcare system
  • Education system (especially for expat children)
  • Environmental factors
  • Safety and security
  • Transport infrastructure

Top 4 countries:

Governance and Society

  • Decentralised leadership
  • Political stability
  • Social security and benefits
  • AI Regulation
  • Crypto Regulation
  • Crypto Tax policies

Top 4 countries:

Innovation and Technology

  • DePIN Preparedness
  • AI adoption and innovation
  • Blockchain and cryptocurrency ecosystem
  • Digital infrastructure

Top 4 countries:

Housing and Real Estate

  • Availability of housing for expats
  • Real estate market analysis
  • Property purchase process for foreigners

Top 4 countries:

Business Environment

  • Ease of doing business
  • Startup ecosystem
  • Support for foreign entrepreneurs
  • Industry-specific opportunities

Top 4 countries:

Culture and Fulfilment

  • Social integration opportunities
  • Cultural activities and events
  • Work-life balance
  • Expat satisfaction rates

Top 4 countries:

Future Outlook

  • Economic projections
  • Technological advancement plans
  • Environmental sustainability initiatives
  • International relations and global positioning

Top 4 countries:

Global Challenges

Which countries will struggle the most with the innovator's dilemma?


Social Cohesion

Key items for a checklist to compare countries on social cohesion include:

  1. Trust levels:
    • Trust in other people
    • Trust in institutions and government
  2. Sense of belonging and inclusion:
    • Feeling of belonging in one's community
    • Feeling connected to others
    • Ability to be one's authentic self
  3. Life satisfaction and well-being:
    • Overall life satisfaction ratings
    • Sense of purpose
  4. Equity and equality:
    • Income inequality levels
    • Socioeconomic deprivation
    • Equal access to opportunities (housing, education, employment, health services)
  5. Civic participation and engagement:
    • Participation in community activities and decision-making
    • Voter turnout
  6. Respect for diversity:
    • Attitudes towards diverse groups
    • Understanding benefits of diversity
    • Experiences of discrimination
  7. Social support:
    • Access to support during crises
    • Levels of loneliness
  8. Safety and security:
    • Perceived personal safety
    • Crime rates
  9. Cultural factors:
    • Recognition of indigenous rights and treaties
    • Preservation of languages and cultural practices
  10. Economic factors:
    • Employment rates
    • Housing affordability
  11. Intergenerational connections and support
  12. Environmental well-being and sustainability


What is the most important question you could ask yourself to make progress?