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What is the best question you can ask yourself right now?

Waiho kia patai ana, he kaha ui te kaha.


The talent of a person is in their ability to prompt the right question at the right time.

Great questions are a timeless pointer towards the truth.


Where is asking better questions important?


The question loop is the most powerful psychological trigger in human history...

When we see an unanswered question, our brains NEED to know the answer, this is known as the Zeigarnik Effect, and it's why we:

  • Binge Netflix shows
  • Can't stop scrolling social media
  • Need closure in relationships

See behavioural biases for more.

First Principles

It's not what you know but knowing what to ask that matters most.

Evolve a set of foundational questions to reflect on how to make progress through first principles analysis.

  • What are the core principles for redesigning education in the AI era?
  • What unique human capabilities should we focus on developing?
  • How can we leverage AI to amplify our collective problem-solving capacity?
  • What bold vision of the future should guide our collaborative intent?
  • Which outdated systems or beliefs are holding us back from transformative change?
  • How can we harness decentralized technologies to empower a global community?
  • What unexpected connections could lead to step improvements of fulfilled potential?

See decisions for application.

Daily Practice

What habits can you cultivate to inspire the discovery of more insightful questions?

What is the most important/insightful/valuable question you can ask?

  • Develop curiosity to feed your unconscious with a diverse array of ideas and concepts without concern about comprehension.
  • Unhook your rational thought process and trust that your unconscious intelligence will find a way to fill the gaps and connect the dots.

Step outside the eye of your mind

Unconscious Intelligence

Your unconscious mind will turn over the last inputs it was given. Practice a ritual of evolving a question that provides deeper insight into the problem you are striving to resolve.

Curiosity, critical thinking, and accurate question framing are vital to effectively leveraging AI to progress safely.

  1. Once you formulate the question finish work.
  2. Do something to forget about the problem.
  3. Relax then sleep.

On waking hve a pad ready to loosely catch thoughts without trying to put sense to anything, the intent is to capture the pure intent.

  1. Wake and journal to access your subconscious mind
  2. Refine the problem statement question
  3. Analyse evolution from the first question to the most recent.

Evolution of Insight

The greatest value is found in analysing the evolution of thought from the initial question until the last in reflecting growth in understanding.

When you start again with fresh eyes you might identify an important connection you previously missed.

  • Step out of yourself
  • Change constraints
  • Make an analogy
  • Look for patterns
  • Don't be lazy
  • Don't force it

The Art of Learning
