What type of characters do you need to evolve a culture of harmonious growth?
Identity x Courage = Authenticity
Positive Spirit
Approach life with an ANZAC spirit with shared values and complimentary talents.
- Mateship and Humour
- Innocent and Enthusiastic
- Stoical and Laconic
- Irreverent in the Face of Authority
- Naturally Egalitarian
- Disdainful of Class Differences
- Endurance and Courage
- Ingenuity
Your spirits will get your through - Dave Dobbyn
Core Values
How can you identify characters are worthy of your trust?
Essential Traits
Character traits that are worth cultivating:
- Attitude: maintain a positive spirit in tough situations
- Authenticity: you can't be anyone else, but you can play act
- Humour: honest, humble, insightful
- Conviction: cannot be borrowed, must be earned the hard way
- Curiosity: seek the truth
- Courage: stick to your convictions
- Growth Mindset: help others
- Resilience: don't give up when things don't work out as expected
First we make our habits, and then our habits make us - John Dryden