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The Leader is the one that knows what to do next.

Leaders paint pictures for others to see and believe in. First paint the pictures in your mind then use attention to intention to manifest their reality

Leaders create leaders. Give people a good reputation to up to! Be specific of the job done well when giving praise.

The measure of a person is what they do with power - Plato


If you want to lead you have to show people how to follow.

Disagree with honestly, commit with integrity. Follow with conviction even if you disagreed to help others align with intentions. Keep a shared decision journal to track expected outcomes versus results.


Sell the dream to gain commitment.

Sell the stories that shape how we interpret the world.


Leaders take the dreams of others and crytalise them into shared intentions

  • A leader has to know themselves before the can lead others
  • Can recognise the greatest strengths and capabilities in others

And I dreamed your dream for you and now your dream is real.


Constantly refine the answer to, Where are we going?

Create a clear vision of what success will look and feel like.

Help each individual see how they will get there and why they are valued.

Paint a vision to sell the mission.


Constantly refine the answer to, How are we going to get there?

Use a theme or story arc to tie your mission to a narrative

Keep story short sharp with pictures that leave an impression. Pictures that create connections that triggers emotions. Keep update the pictures.


Leaders help others to discover their potential
