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UX Page vs Modal

X List

Do you have a clear and compelling case for why this content should be presented within a type of overlay instead of a page?

Workflow overview:

  1. Is this an error or success message?
  2. Do you need to grab the users attention?
  3. Is the user making a selection from a small range of options?
  4. Is it essential to collect a small amount of information before letting users proceed?
  5. Do you need to provide some additional content or features without losing the context of the parent page?
  6. Is it urgent the user acknowledge the content?


  1. Will users want to bookmark the content or share it?
  2. Is your design intended to be used primarily on a mobile device?
  3. Is the user leaving the current workflow and not expected to return?
  4. Are there different interactions and are they somewhat complex?
  5. Is the interaction complex enough to require multiple steps?
  6. Are you expecting additional actions, tasks, or content in the future?


  1. Are you trying to cram lots of elements into your design?
  2. Would the height of the content exceed the height of the container in an overlay?
  3. Would the content in your design require scrolling if it were in an overlay?
  4. Does the design solution contain more than 2 primary actions that effect the content the user is interacting with? (buttons, selection controls, etc.)
  5. Does the design solution require the user to complete more than one task?


  1. Are users frequently moving back and forth between features of the design?
  2. Are users interacting minimially with the features of the design?
  3. Is the content temporary?
  4. Is the design a transition state?
  5. Is the focus of the user to be returned to the originating page after?
  6. If the user is viewing content, is the content short and simple?
  7. Is the content appearing at the deepest level of the information architecture in the current user flow?


  1. Is the content urgent and do you need the user to notice it right away?
  2. Will the task be easier to complete if you take the users' attention away from the current page or task?
  3. Is the task you need the user to complete critical to continuing the current process?
  4. Will asking the user to complete this task or provide this information significantly reduce the users' work or effort?
  5. Is the information essential or related to the current workflow?
  6. Is the process self-contained (a self-contained process is every action that has a clear start and end point)?


  1. Do you need to collect information from the user?
  2. Are you confirming a user action?
  3. Will the action have serious consequences and be difficult to reverse?
  4. Is the user completing a form, or making a decision?
  5. Is your content an important warning that is preventing or correcting a critical error?
  6. If your content is related to an error is the error irreversible?