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Quarterly Review

Create a standard checklist of questions to review quarterly to check evolution of ideas.


  • Master how to sell and how to build things.
  • Dedicate to lifelong learning, and learning more effectively.
  • Constantly seek new ideas, approaches, and technologies to improve systems.
  • Absorb a wide array of information to increase chances of making creative connections.
  • Cultivate collaborative partnerships with people and machines.
  • Improve emotional intelligence to help build bridges.
  • Improve your capabilities to make sound judgments.


What ideals lead to living a fulfilling life?

  • Purpose and meaning
  • Positive relationships
  • Health and well-being
  • Personal growth and development
  • Gratitude and appreciation

Happiness is the feeling you get when your body chemistry produces pleasant sensations in your mind. Making new stories is a path to happiness. One of the most rewarding things you can do is helping someone else along their path.


What is universally true about organisations that have the capability to deliver products that are highly valued?

  • Connect dots that no-one has before
  • Strong sense of identity.
  • Customer and community focused
  • Strong leadership across all levels.
  • Constant innovation through experimentation.
  • Standardised processes built upon robust systems.
  • Constantly upskill their workforce.
  • Strong strategic partnerships.


Running a profitable business involves several essential truths:

  • Engineer a first class sales system.
  • Good ideas can come from anywhere.
  • A focus on customer collaboration.
  • Open culture of learning and sharing.
  • Systematic decision making.
  • Deep understanding the market needs/trends.
  • Antifragile revenue streams and supply lines.
  • Cash flow management is critical.
  • Operational efficiency to minimize waste.


What is universally true about good engineering?

  • Deep understanding of end user problems and desires.
  • Sound operating practices grounded in scientific and mathematical principles.
  • Rigorous and systematic approach to design and testing.
  • Solve problems in a practical and effective manner.
  • Creativity and ingenuity in developing solutions.
  • Collaborative teamwork with customers, suppliers, and regulatory agencies etc
  • Respond to changing circumstances or new information.
  • Constantly up-to-date with the latest tools and development processes.
  • Ethical commitment to safety, sustainability, and social responsibility.


What is true about organisations?

  • Culture eats strategy for breakfast.
  • Rituals and technology shape culture.
  • Process maps are worth 100,000 words.
  • Better games, better humans, better world.
  • Create a framework with a single source of truth
  • The best idea should win.