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The psychology of persuasion.

Feed their dreams, empathise with their failures, allay their fears, investigate their suspicions, help to fight the enemy.


Ethos, Pathos, Logos, Kairos, Topos.

  • Ethos
    • Credibility
    • Trust
    • Social-proof
  • Pathos
    • Empathy
    • Emotional appeal
    • Future vision
  • Logos
    • Make sense
    • Facts
    • Risk
    • Engineering
  • Kairos
    • Timing
    • Opportunity
    • Demand
  • Topos
    • Context
    • Analogy
    • Metaphor


Persuasion starts with reflective listening


Build a suite of assets that support your arguments by proving credibility to earn trust.

The only reason we need to go into the details of our idea or the features of a product is to cause action to happen. And action is the result of tension, status or affiliation, and these are based on trust. There are many ways to build trust, as an instruction manual, a pitch deck with a set of bullets aren't the only ones. - Seth Godin

What is the most important question you could ask yourself to make progress?