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Future of Work

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The future is already here, but it is not evenly distributed.

The future of work will be fluid marketplaces that coordinates around protocol driven communities.

In the age of AI culture and teamwork is your moat.

Business Engineers

Business Engineers combine engineering protocols with an indepth understanding of business operations and objectives to deliver solutions that align commercial and technical teams that may have adversarial incentives.

AllPrompt Engineer
BusinessStrategy Leader

What is the perfect combination of agents and humans to drive innovation forward in harmony?

  • Character Traits
  • Core Capabilities
  • Business Acumen
  • Engineering Protocols

Soft Skills

Soft skills in non-adjusted reality are one area AI cannot compete with humans... yet. Coaches and Zone of Proximal Development matching will shape the future of human progression.


Challenge the status quo to drive new culture of exploration with a resilient growth mindset and strong belief in the power of growing collective intelligence.



Problem Solving

Problems sell products, improve mental models to explore problems in order to distribute valuable solutions.

  • Traits
  • Intellectual standards
  • Ability to reason

Intellectual Traits: help to reach intellectual standards.

  • Humility, Perseverance, Autonomy, Empathy, Fairness, Integrity, Courage, Confidence in reasoning.

Intellectual Standards: improve ability to reason.

  • Accuracy, Precision, Clarity, Depth, Relevance, Significance, Logical, Fairness, Sufficiency, Breadth

Reasoning: evolves intellectual traits.

Purposes, Inferences, Questions, Concepts, Points of view, Implications, Information, Assumptions

Decision Making

Business engineers help organisations make difficult decisions by analysing data to manage risk and maintain focus on a clear value proposition.

  1. Improve communication of purpose and problems
  2. Add efficiency by reducing waste
  3. Improve quality of SLA deliverables
  4. Explore new opportunities for growth

Map procesess and workflows to communicate how operational units currently function at a micro-level then use that information to build models that prove the value proposition of solutions that enable an organisation to scale operations efficiently while exploring new opportunities for growth.

Minimal Valuable Team

You are the average of the five agents/people you spend the most time with.

Less is more when it comes to tight communication, who do you need on your team?

The coordination of knowledge and effort between two or more people who work towards a definite purpose in a spirit of harmony... no two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind. - Napoleon Hill

Leverage crypto protocols to create incentives that align intentions between like-minds to drag humanity forward. Social glue is critical to the flow of progress.

  • Know your toolkit
  • Improve your standards
  • Back your team mates

Sell motivation by connecting:

  • Incentive
  • Mission
  • Roadmap

Dream Engineers Buidl


No domain experts, everyone is an Artist, Venture Capitalist and Coach. The most important skill is to sell stories that align beliefs and strengthen connections.

Job Boards

Tranformational work opportunities: