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Human Interaction Protocols

Human Interaction protocols to drive succinct communication to drive progress.

Organisations don't have communication problems, they have miscommunication problems.

Evolve rituals to embrace the darkness.

Collective Wisdom

  • Have you established sources and strategies to capture knowledge?
  • Have processes to optimise the value derived from organisational knowledge?
  • Does your organisation investigate loss of organisational knowledge?
  • Do you have a system for improving organisational knowledge capture?
  • Have you identified the scope of knowledge required for your business model with respect to related risks and opportunities?
  • Defined roles, authority and responsibilities for organisational knowledge process activities listed above?
  • Provided training for all employees growing organisational knowledge?
  • Quantified the documentation required to manage organisational knowledge?
  • Evaluated compliance to regulatory requirements?
  • Maintain records of knowledge management activities?
  • Verified achievement of organisational knowledge goals and objectives?