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Engineer systems while developing capabilities and connections to flourish in the exponential age.

first principles of flow

Feedback Loops
Shape Our Destiny

The greatest thing by far is to be a master of metaphor; it is the one thing that cannot be learnt from others; and it is also a sign of genius, since a good metaphor implies an intuitive perception of the similarity in the dissimilar - Aristotle

The meta of the matter is what matters most


What makes a project worth the required investment of time and energy?

  • How do you evaluate the best tech stack for the job?
  • What is your point of difference for creating value?
  • What is your strategy for attracting attention?
  • How will you convert attention into long term loyalty?
  • Can you show me your project roadmap?
  • How will you recognize success?

Meaningful Progress

Progress starts with awareness of potential to improve.

The Heroes Journey

At the core level what do conscious beings need to feel fulfilled? What fuels the fire to strive for progress?

  1. Whenua: Home
  2. Taha Whanau: Connections
  3. Mahi Me Te Tākaro: Work and Play
  4. Taha Tinana: Movement Health
  5. Taha Hinengaro: Mental Dexterity
  6. Taha Wairua: Culture and Soul

To achieve fulfilment you need to appreciate true value

Systems Engineering

Use First Principles thinking to Engineer Systems that maximize potential to provide value with no negative side-effects.

  1. Value System: Moral compass that guides decisions and actions.
  2. Belief System: Capability to see the future and your part in it. Intuition and Mental Rehearsal.
  3. Control System: Knowing which levers to adjust to alter direction and velocity. Positioning and Distribution.

Engineer positive collisions


Leverage technology to automate Feedback Loops will closing gaps that create losses and connecting dots that realise gains.

Value System

What things are valuable?

  • What do you value most and why?
  • How do you qualify and quantify value?
  • How do you create and distribute value?

Belief System

What next?

  • How does the world work? and how is that changing?
  • Potential, what are your strongest capabilities?
  • Positioning, what can you do to influence positive outcomes?

Control System

It is much easier to talk a good game than it is to live it. Engineer Platforms to evolve Protocols that promote Teamwork to align actions with spoken intentions to build trust and eliminate dis-ease.

  • What are the rules of the game?
  • How do you adapt to change?
  • How do you maximize leverage?


By mastering our inner world, aligning actions with our story, and cultivating a resilient mindset, we can navigate the "What next?" question with greater ease and clarity of intent.

Through honest review of problems, practice selling better stories that provide direction and drive the will to improve.

Feedback Loops

Vicious circles are fuelled by uncertainty and doubt, leading to feelings of dis-ease and unfulfilled potential. On the other hand, virtuous cycles are driven by clarity, commitment, and purposeful action towards our goals.

To break free from vicious circles and cultivate virtuous ones, we must establish systems, rituals, and procedures that keep us on track. These practices help us avoid the traps of endless rumination and indecision, allowing us to make meaningful progress.


Investing time and energy in building clear pictures that clarify intents and purposes. When we have a compelling vision of where we want to be, we can more easily summon the belief and courage needed to take the critical leap of faith.

Dis-ease and anxiety often stem from an inability to fully commit our attention and efforts to a plan of action. By crafting a roadmap towards our goals, we can alleviate this uncertainty and channel our energy into purposeful progress.

By replacing FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) with BAR (Belief, Adaptability, and Resilience), we can cultivate a mindset that propels us forward, even in the face of challenges.