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Third Place

Reinvent third spaces to encourage stronger community bonds for coordinated collaboration.

In community building, the third place is the social surroundings separate from the two usual social environments of home and the workplace. But couldn't also include these two. The third place is a generic designation for a great variety of public places that host the regular, voluntary, informal, and happily anticipated gatherings of individuals beyond the realms of home and work.


AI and Crypto adoption will require people to rethink how the world's systems work.

This will require a burden on already outdated education systems.

Crypto incentives to drive progress through building trusted real world connections.


Basic requirements for public places:

  • The full spectrum of local humanity is represented
  • Human scale has been preserved
  • There is a balance in the three realms of daily life
  • Where third places remain vital, it is far more because they are prolific than prominent

Accidental collsions are essential to better collaboration


Third Places are a leveling (status, personal problems & moodiness) home away from home.

  • Neutral ground
  • The Regulars
  • Low Profile
  • Playful Mood


Real world conversation is the main activity

  • Art of conversation
  • Emphasize style over vocabulary
  • Anything that interrupts flow of conversation is deadly


Personal Benefits of Third Places

  • Novelty
  • Perspective
  • Spiritual tonic
  • Friends by the set

The Greater Good

  • Grassroots politics
  • Habit of association
  • Agency of Control & a force for good
  • Fun with the lid kept on
  • Outposts of the public domain

Space as a Service

Properties are no longer just walls and a roof, owners need to be able to improve experin valued services and features to the tenants, the resident or the customer.

  • What is the business case? What services?
  • How to brand serviced housing communities or office concepts?
  • How did you go about the task of creating the housing/office, the community and now also the digital layer to support it and associated services?
  • What challenges to developing services that are not off-the-shelf?
  • What challenges with running operations for service


What is the most important question you could ask yourself to make progress?