Third Space
How do you balance the need for solitude and collaboration in one living space?
The original coffee houses were places for colliding with others and throwing around ideas that drove coordinated collaboration. As online world becomes dominated by AI Agents, people will need these places more than ever to coordinate in meaningful endeavour.
The world is about to go through exponential change that 90% of the population are not ready for, while centrally planned bureaucracies are hopelessly ill-equipped to provide governance that people need to adapt and evolve with the implications technological advancement.
- Complexity and Decision Fatigue
- Isolation and Loneliness
- Redundant Buildings
- Housing Affordability and Homelessness
- Rehabilitation of bad habits
The highest determinant of happiness is community
In community building, the third place provides social surroundings that host regular, voluntary, informal, and happily anticipated gatherings of individuals beyond the realms of home and work. With decentralised labour driven by AI intentions the third space will become the place?
The best way to improve our inner space is to improve the physical spaces where we collide with others. There is an opportunity to re-engineer spaces to practice better habits through incentives that strengthen social glue through coordinated collaboration.
People Change People for the Better, Build Better Spaces to Practice Better Habits Together
People Change People for the Better
Basic requirements for public places:
- The full spectrum of local humanity is represented
- Human scale has been preserved
- There is a balance in the three realms of daily life
- Where third places remain vital, it is far more because they are prolific than prominent
Serendipitous collisions spark creative collaboration
Third Places are a levelling (status, personal problems & moodiness) home away from home.
- Neutral ground
- The Regulars
- Low Profile
- Playful Mood
Real world conversation is the main activity
- Art of conversation
- Emphasize style over vocabulary
- Anything that interrupts flow of conversation is deadly
Benefits to the individual
- Novelty
- Perspective
- Spiritual tonic
- Friends by the set
Benefits to the Community
- Attention to Public Goods
- Habit of association
- Agency of Control & a force for good
- Fun with the lid kept on
- Outposts of the public domain
What is the most important question you could ask yourself to make progress?