What are the most important capabilities to posses? What are the most effective protocols for developing them?
What range of capabilities will be in demand in a world that is driven by AI?
Build on your strengths, Cover your weaknesses, Deepen your values.
Adaptable and Flexible
Balance the time you need to invest alone in deep thought to connect the dots versus time you need to invest in building trusted connections.
Great engineers make themselves irrelevant because their systems last the test of time in helping people fall into the flow (happy path) of success.
Learn to build, learn to sell by retelling better value stories. The most important thing to selling is not what you say, but what you hear. The you retell someone's value story better than they can tell it themselves you are on the right track to making progress.
We all need to be able to think for ourselves to recognise what we truly value.
Soft skills include:
- Emotional intelligence
- Creativity
- Adaptability
- Critical thinking
- Communication
- Collaboration
- Luck/Optimism
Not your model not your mind
Continuous Learning
The strength of a culture is comes from leaders that selflessly coach newcomers to become better than themselves. Confidence is not knowing you will succeed, but believing you have the resilience to adapt.
- Character Traits
- Intellectual Standards
- Improved Reasoning
Character Traits
Improving intellectual traits elevates intellectual standards.
- Courage
- Respect
- Honesty
- Humility
- Integrity
- Perseverance
- Autonomy
- Empathy
- Purpose
Intellectual Standards
Raising standards improves ability to reason.
- Accuracy
- Precision
- Clarity
- Depth
- Relevance
- Significance
- Logic
- Fairness
- Sufficiency
- Breadth
Better reasoning evolves character traits.
- Purposes
- Inferences
- Questions
- Concepts
- Points of view
- Implications
- Information
- Assumptions
- What are your strongest capabilities?
- Where are those capabilities most needed?
- What are your blind spots? How do you know?
- What are your weaknesses?
- How can you bridge gaps?
- Who can you team up with?
- What can you outsource?
Our capability to collaborate and coordinate is at the heart of better governance.
- Interaction
- Investing
- Storytelling
- Recognise Archetypes
- Listening
- Languages
- Planning
- Networking
- Selling
- Coaching
- Leadership
Learn to how invest your time, energy and resources to maximize the potential for future growth.
- Health
- Friendships
- Education
- Real Assets
- Technology
Financial Assets:
- Investment Research
- Fraud Detection
- Portfolio Analysis
- Portfolio Valuation
- Exposure Modelling
- Risk Modelling
Which roles will most require the human touch to add value into the feedback loop?
- Sales
- Process Re-engineering
- Accounting
- Applied Statistics
- Human Resources
- Business Communication
- Business Ethics
- Business Law
- Strategic Management
- Business Strategy
- Finance
- Managerial economics
- Management
- Entrepreneurship
- Marketing
- Supply-chain Management
- Operations Management