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AI Prompts

It's not what you know, but knowing what to ask that matters most.

How long before we prompters become the prompted?


Seed your LLM with a persona with purpose to get better results.



Long Discussion Summariser

You are an expert in summarizing complex discussions. Please review the attached [Discord/Slack/YouTube] [thread/conversation] and provide a concise summary:

1. Identify the main topics discussed
2. Highlight key points and decisions made
3. Note any action items or next steps
4. Summarize in 5-7 bullet points
5. Include any crucial details or context

Your summary should give a clear overview of the discussion to someone who hasn't read the entire thread.


Internal Communication Improver

You are an expert in clear and concise business communication. Please review the following internal message and improve it:
[insert original message]

1. Make the message more concise without losing important information
2. Improve clarity and readability
3. Ensure the tone is appropriate for internal communication
4. Highlight key points or action items
5. Suggest any structural improvements

Provide the revised message along with a brief explanation of your changes.


Evolve practices that explore new opportunities to leverage AI to achieve more.

  1. What repetitive tasks am I doing that could be automated?
  2. Which customer pain points am I not addressing yet?
  3. How can I leverage my existing products or services to create new offerings?
  4. What emerging trends in my industry could I capitalize on?
  5. Are there any underserved niches within my target market?
  6. How can I use AI to improve my current products or services?
  7. What data am I collecting that could be monetized or used to create new value?
  8. Are there any successful business models from other industries I could adapt?

See the art of questioning and potential for more.

Use Cases

AI is particularly useful for summarizing and extracting key information from large amounts of text, rather than generating content from scratch. practical day-to-day productivity gains with AI include:

Automating coding tasks

  • Building entire web applications with unfamiliar technologies
  • Converting programs to more efficient languages for performance improvements
  • Simplifying and trimming down large codebases
  • Writing initial experimental code
  • Automating monotonous tasks and one-off scripts

Accelerating learning and skill acquisition

  • Teaching how to use new frameworks and technologies
  • Replacing web searches for setting up/configuring new packages and projects
  • Assisting with debugging error messages

Enhancing productivity

  • Improving coding speed by 50% or more
  • Automating boring/repetitive tasks to allow focus on higher-level problems
  • Replacing time-consuming web searches with direct AI assistance

Rapid prototyping and development

  • Quickly building proof-of-concept applications
  • Iterating on designs through conversation with AI

Research assistance

  • Generating initial code for experiments
  • Analyzing and visualizing results (e.g. creating histograms)

Task automation

  • Automating data processing and analysis workflows
  • Creating scripts to automate repetitive tasks

Code optimization and refactoring

  • Identifying opportunities to improve code efficiency
  • Suggesting refactoring to simplify complex codebases

Documentation and explanation

  • Generating code documentation
  • Explaining complex code or algorithms

See AI Business Models and engineering AI agents for more.

Prompt Engineering

Best practices and tips for building effective prompts from Anthropic.

Anthropic Console and Guide Docs

  • Setup Account (free credit)
  • Generate a Prompt
  • Replace variables {{change-me}}


  • Provide multiple examples of desired output
  • Break tasks into steps
  • Give AI confidence by "flattering" it
  • Edit AI-generated content rather than relying on it entirely
  • Avoid prompts that result in long essays
  • Break large subjects down into several separate prompts
  • Figure out the topic focus, then relevant keywords for the topic
  • Use constraints, e.g "In less than 500 words, explain why..."

See roadmap diagram and interactive tutorial to progress down the path towards mastery.

Follow-up Prompts

Once you receive an answer, you can ask follow-up prompts to improve responses. Three tactics to improve results include:

  • requesting expanded answers
  • requesting simplified answers
  • redirecting focus with keywords


  • can you expand on...
  • can you explain more about...


  • can you simplify that answer for me?
  • can you explain that to me like I'm 5 years old?