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Business Strategy Questions

Make it a routine to practice asking more insightful questions.

How are you going to create, distribute and exchange value?

First Principles


  • What problem are you solving?
  • Why is it important to you to solve this problem?


  • Where are you going do?
  • How are you going to deliver value?
  • What long-range benefits are you going to create?


  • What Intellectual Property do you need to develop?
  • What is the first step improvement you can make?


  • Strategy to leverage latest technology?
  • What is your business suite?
  • What is your tech stack?



  • Have you identified your ideal customer? Understand what they desire? What their triggers are?
  • Does your idea have a natural sales appeal?
  • Customer value, Can customers afford it? Will they buy it? Is there a timing factor?
  • What resistance or difficulties to overcome to make sales?
  • Is the market ready for it?


  • Who can help you expand into markets?
  • What suppliers do you need?
  • Have you locked in supply contracts?


  • What professional services do you need?
  • Who can fill those roles?


  • Culture fit?
  • Who do you want to work with?


  • Have you closed standard business process gaps?
  • Have you closed key operations process gaps?
  • How are you going to deliver?
  • How complex will it be to execute strategy effectively?


  • Is there a clear and obvious need or do customers need education?
  • What is the competition doing in this area?


  • How much money do you need to get started?
  • When will you need a cash injection?
  • How soon before you are making money?
  • How many revenue streams?
  • What risks could change your revenue streams?
  • How confident are you in your predictions?
  • How do you intend to reinvest profits?


  • What decisions do you need to make at the moment?
  • What metrics do you need to make good decisions?
  • What needs to be decided in the next six weeks?
  • What needs to be decided in the future?

Review Questions

  • Have you considered all the benefits?
  • Have you considered all the risks?
  • What variations of this idea might be possible?
  • How strong is demand?
  • How strong is your appetite for it?


  • How can we maximise profits over the long term?
  • Are we missing a potential revenue stream?
  • What needs to be prioritised?
  • How can we recruit talent most efficiently?
  • Time to consolidate or expand?

Business Market

  • How big is the market opportunity?
  • What percentage of the market share do you hope to get?
  • Who exactly is your best customer?
  • How long will this take?
  • How do you come up with these figures?
  • What is your PR strategy?
  • Who do you most aspire to be like?
  • Who do you least want to be like?
  • Why is this the right time for this product or service?
  • What is your marketing strategy?


  • How much feedback have you received so far?
  • What changes have you made based on that feedback?
  • How many actual users do you have?
  • How long do users stay on average?
  • How many actual sales have you made?
  • What is the annual growth rate?
  • Total rate of growth?
  • Has growth been linear and consistent?
  • What has held back your growth?
  • Can you provide a demonstration of the product or service now?


  • Where are your headquarters?
  • Who are the founders?
  • Who are key team members?
  • Any existing board members?
  • What key roles may need to be hired for soon?
  • What experience do you have in this industry?
  • Why are you the right person to bet on to achieve this?
  • What motivates you?
  • Are any of the founders willing to be bought out now?
  • Are there any other people who may claim they are owed or responsible for your ideas?


  • Who are your competitors?
  • What are your strengths and advantages over your competitors?
  • What are your weaknesses or disadvantages?
  • What barriers to entry or scale are there for you?
  • Where is the competition letting down customers?
  • Why haven’t your competitors done this yet?
  • How do your features differ?
  • How do you compare on price?
  • How do you compare on service?
  • How do you compare on customer satisfaction?


  • How are you marketing your product or services?
  • How much is your marketing budget?
  • What are your per customer acquisition costs?
  • How much is your customer lifetime value?
  • How much equity and debt has been raised in the past?
  • Who participated in earlier rounds of fundraising?
  • What is your burn rate?
  • How long will it take to become profitable?
  • What are the key metrics your team is focused on?
  • What stock options have been given already? What is the distribution of equity between founders?

Intellectual Property

  • What is unique about the company?
  • What big problem does it solve?
  • What legal risks do you see?
  • Are you aware of any product liability risks?
  • What regulatory risks could impact this business?
  • What intellectual property do you own?
  • Who developed any intellectual property owned?
  • Have any employees or partners have left who may challenge these rights?
  • Are there any additional patents pending or planned?
  • How are any current intellectual assets owned?

Use of Funds

  • How will these funds be allocated?
  • How much will be spent on founders' salaries?
  • How much will be spent on overhead versus expansion?
  • What if you don’t get all the money you are asking for?
  • What assets will be invested in with this capital?
  • What are your milestones?
  • What are the biggest risks to my investment?
  • Why are you choosing this method of raising capital?
  • How much of this money will be used for future fundraising efforts?
  • How much are your personal expenses each month?

Business Model

  • Which specific marketing channels are you using?
  • Why are you using these marketing channels?
  • What is your plan B if these sales channels are interrupted?
  • What profit margins are you operating on?
  • How will scaling impact profit margins?
  • What pivots have you already made up until now?
  • Can you tell me a story about how a customer has decided to choose you and their experience with your product?
  • Who in this organization is most replaceable?
  • What unique features are you working on?
  • What other streams of revenue can be added to this?

Corporate Structure

  • How is the company currently organized?
  • Who holds which titles?
  • How are shares split?
  • Is there an existing board or advisors?
  • Where is the company registered?
  • Who handles accounting?
  • What unique skills and talents does each owner contribute?
  • Name someone you chose not to include as a founder and why?
  • Who filed the company?
  • Who is the registered agent on record?

Existing Financing Round

  • What is your exit goal? (i.e. IPO, M&A)
  • What is your expected time frame for this?
  • Who do you imagine will help you exit?
  • When do you expect you will be conducting a follow up round of fundraising?
  • How much is your pre-money valuation?
  • How are you determining current valuation?
  • How much are you trying to raise now?
  • How many previous investors will participate in this round?
  • What is the next milestone this money will take you to?
  • How else do you hope an investor will help beyond money?