Game Mechanics
What is the critical path and time horizon to reach potential versus the reality of what is possible to deliver?
Is gaming the best vehicle to accelerate evolution down the right decision path to sustain existence?
Where does the greatest value lie for concentrating innovative efforts?
Web3 Attributes
What ingredients do Web3 and metaverse bring that can be combined with traditional gaming to improve gaming metrics take drive taking user experience to the next level?
What is the right Economic Balance for game play?
Fundamental Web3 principles:
- Native Payment
- Permissionless
- Trustless
- Permanence
- Portable Identity
- Standardisation
Cross functional Web3 engineering frontiers:
- Interoperability
- Incentivised Loyalty
- Collaborative Governance
Gaming Specific frontiers:
- Asymmetric Gameplay
- Play and Earn
No permission required to expand upon a game.
- Creative Commons Zero becoming the de facto choice for Web3 game design.
Game becomes immortal once keys to upgrade a contract are burned. Motivating builders to contribute to a legacy with the knowledge that their game logic will never change or disappear.
Interoperability and Composability
Ability to transfer assets between games.
Incentivised Loyalty
No marketing and sales efforts will be as powerful as true fans that freely feel the need to onboard new recruits.
How can Web3 be used to steward and reward true fans?
Collaborative Governance
Possibly the most vital aspect to get right. To nuture Player community that feels they are providing a sense of purpose to a games evolution. Revenue from game's treasury can be fairly distributed to:
- game maker
- key players
- community
- liquidity pool providers
The distribution ratios organised by people who hold governance tokens.
Asymmetric Gameplay
Web3 games allow many different ways for players to play with asymmetrical roles inside and outside the game by default.
Player profles include:
- worker bee/scaffolders: collecting, upgrading and selling to players unwilling/unable to spend the time
- investor: game's token investors as if it were a share in a company
- quasi-developer: organising the DAO and making decisions on behalf of the treasury
- traders: arbitrage opportunities inside the game
- cultural influencers: spending big collecting NFTs to shape narrative of an in-game guild
Game designers that lean in to this have the opportunity to build games that cater to a wider audience.
Game Loops
What are the common systems that traditional games have and how could web3 tech enhance them?