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Network Effects

You become the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

The coordination of knowledge and effort between two or more people who work towards a definite purpose in a spirit of harmony... no two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind. - Napoleon Hill

Why not engineer your own alter egos to become agents of change towards your full potential?


Technological leadership is crucial for national strength and global competitiveness.

Leverage crypto protocols to create incentives that align intentions between like-minds to drag humanity forward. Social glue is critical to the flow of progress.

  • Innovation from startups drives progress and keeps large companies competitive.
  • Emerging technologies like AI and blockchain have potential to reshape industries and global power dynamics.
  • Technology innovation is tied to economic growth and job creation.
  • Technological advancements can address major societal challenges.
  • A supportive regulatory environment is essential for fostering innovation.
  • It's crucial to support a wide range of R&D efforts due to unpredictable breakthroughs.
  • Technology innovation is key to maintaining military superiority and national security.
  • Maintaining technological leadership requires supportive policies, investment in education/research, and fostering an entrepreneurial ecosystem.
  • The speakers express concerns about current U.S. policies potentially hampering technological progress, especially in AI and blockchain.
  • They argue for a more open, pro-innovation approach to regulating new technologies.
  • The speakers suggest that current regulatory proposals could disadvantage U.S. companies globally.
  • They emphasize the importance of startups and venture capital in driving innovation.
  • The speakers discuss potential negative impacts of proposed tax changes on the tech industry and startups.
  • They advocate for policies that encourage long-term investment and entrepreneurship.


Analysis of the type of connections required to build a robust network of knowledge, resources, and support needed to innovate and grow.

  1. Industry experts and thought leaders: Connect with people who have deep knowledge of emerging technologies and industry trends. This can provide valuable insights to guide strategy.
  2. Potential customers and users: Build relationships with your target audience to better understand their needs and pain points. This customer-centric approach is crucial for developing successful products and services.
  3. Investors and financial partners: Establish connections with those who can provide funding and financial guidance as you scale your business.
  4. Tech talent and developers: Network with skilled technologists who can help build and implement innovative solutions.
  5. Cross-functional teams: Foster internal connections across different departments to break down silos and encourage holistic thinking.
  6. Data and analytics experts: Partner with those who can help you leverage data for decision-making and to identify new opportunities.
  7. Startup accelerators and incubators: Join programs that provide mentorship, resources and connections to help grow your business.
  8. Open source communities: Engage with open source projects and communities to tap into collective knowledge and innovation.
  9. Academic institutions: Build relationships with universities and research centers working on cutting-edge technologies.
  10. Regulatory bodies and policymakers: Stay connected with those shaping the regulatory landscape for your industry.
  11. Complementary businesses: Identify potential partners whose offerings could integrate with or enhance your own.
  12. Industry associations and professional networks: Join groups that facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration in your field.
  13. Mentors and advisors: Seek guidance from experienced professionals who can provide strategic insights.
  14. Early adopters and beta testers: Connect with users willing to try new products and provide feedback.
  15. Media and influencers: Build relationships with those who can help amplify your message and increase visibility.

Network Effects

Network effects provide a movement with virality and defensibility.

Not all nodes of a network are equal, some different strengths than others, mavens, connectors, and salesmen. Align incentives to drive behaviours that build systems that distribute better outcomes.

Real Connections

One hundred and forty seven is considered to be the maximum number of valued connections each person can maintain.

What are the minimum requirements to sustain a healthy community?