Behavioural Bias
The biggest weakness is not being able to own up to weakness.
How can you set up systems to prevent falling victim of lazy thinking?
📄️ Confirmation Bias
System one vs system two thinking.
📄️ Decision Fatigue
📄️ Hyperbolic Discounting
Why do we value immediate rewards more than long-term rewards?
📄️ Ikea Effect
Why do we place disproportionately high value on things we helped to create?
📄️ Loss Aversion
The pain of losing feels twice much worse than the pleasure of gaining.
📄️ Reciprocity
Reciprocity bias describes the impulse to reciprocate actions others have done towards us. The desire to return favours, pay back debts and treat others well could have been a decisive evolutionary advantage for humans as it engenders cooperation. However, reciprocity bias can also work in reverse — in response to unfriendly actions, people will deliver back other unfriendly actions!
📄️ Reciprocity
The Zeigarnik effect is a psychological phenomenon where unfinished tasks remain more memorable than completed ones. The key is to intentionally structure tasks to leverage this psychological tendency while maintaining productive tension without creating unnecessary stress.
Why do we take mental shortcuts?
Study your biases so you can engineer systems to avoid failing pray to them.
Thoughts Systems
Thinking, Fast and Slow uses behavioural economics to explore the dichotomy between two modes of thought that often highlighting the gap between human perception and reality.
System 1 is quick, intuitive, and emotional with little or no effort and no sense of voluntary control.
System 2 is deep focused mental activity that demands comprehension of chaotic variables.
Human decision-making is not always rational; whether through decision fatigue or laziness; humans tend to fall into traps of cognitive biases that lead to common errors of judgement.
Study situations to recognise triggers then practice correcting behaviours and develop systems to avoid the circumstances that lead to poor decisions in the first place.
- Develop mantra as tools for clear thinking in times of chaos and pressure.
- Engineer systems that make it impossible to fall into habits of lazy thinking.
Action Bias
Why do we prefer doing something to doing nothing?
Affect Heuristic
Why do we rely on our current emotions when making quick decisions?
Ambiguity Effect
Why we prefer options that are known to us
Anchoring Bias
Why we tend to rely heavily upon the first piece of information we receive
Attentional Bias
Why do we focus more on some things than others?
Availability Heuristic
Why do we tend to think that things that happened recently are more likely to happen again?
Bandwagon Effect
Why do we support opinions as they become more popular?
Barnum Effect
Why do we believe our horoscopes?
Base Rate Fallacy
Why do we rely on specific information over statistics?
Why do we focus on trivial things?
Bottom-Dollar Effect
Why do we transfer negative emotions about being broke on items that we purchase?
Bounded Rationality
Why are we satisfied by "good enough"?
Bundling Bias
Why do we value items purchased in a bundle less than those purchased individually?
Bye-Now Effect
Why are we likely to spend more after reading the word “bye”?
Cashless Effect
Why does paying without physical cash increase the likelihood that we purchase something?
Category Size Bias
Why do we think we're more likely to win at the big casino versus the small one?
Choice Overload
Why do we have a harder time choosing when we have more options?
Cognitive Dissonance
Why is it so hard to change someone's beliefs?
Commitment Bias
Why do people support their past ideas, even when presented with evidence that they're wrong?
Confirmation Bias
Why do we favour our existing beliefs?
Decision Fatigue
Why do we make worse decisions at the end of the day?
Why we feel the past is better compared to what the future holds
Decoy Effect
Why do we feel more strongly about one option after a third one is added?
Disposition Effect
Why do we tend to hold on to losing investments?
Distinction Bias
Why we tend to view two options as more distinctive when evaluating them simultaneously then separately.
Dunning-Kruger Effect
Why can we not perceive our own abilities?
Empathy Gap
Why do we misinterpret how much our emotions influence our behavior?
Endowment Effect
Why do we value items more if they belong to us?
Extrinsic Incentive Bias
Why do we think others are in it for the money, but we're in it for the experience?
Framing Effect
Why do our decisions depend on how options are presented to us?
Functional Fixedness
Why do we have trouble thinking outside the box?
Fundamental Attribution Error
Why do we underestimate the influence of the situation on people's behavior?
Gambler's Fallacy
Why do we think a random event is more or less likely to occur if it happened several times in the past?
Google Effect
Why do we forget information that we just looked up?
Halo Effect
Why do positive impressions produced in one area positively influence our opinions in another area?
Hard-easy Effect
Why is our confidence disproportionate to the difficulty of a task?
Hindsight Bias
Why do we see unpredictable events as predictable after they occur?
Hot-hand Fallacy
Why do we expect previous successful performance to lead to future successful performance?
Hyperbolic Discounting
Why do we value immediate rewards more than long-term rewards?
Identifiable Victim Effect
Why are we more likely to offer help to a specific individual than a vague group?
IKEA effect
Why do we place disproportionately high value on things we helped to create?
Illusion of Control
Why we believe we have more control over the world than we actually do
Illusion of Validity
Why are we overconfident in our predictions?
Illusory Correlation
Why do we think some things are related when they aren't?
Illusory Truth Effect
Why do we believe misinformation more easily when it's repeated many times?
In-group Bias
Why do we treat our in-group better than we do our out-group?
Why do we work harder when we are promised a reward?
Just-world Hypothesis
Why do we believe that we get what we deserve?
Lag Effect
Why does spacing out the repetition of information make one more likely to remember it?
Law of the Instrument
Why do we use the same skills everywhere?
Less-is-better Effect
Why do our preferences change depending on whether we judge our options together or separately?
Levelling and Sharpening
Why do we exaggerate some details of a story, but minimize others?
Levels of Processing
Why do we remember information that we attach significance to better than information we repeat?
Levels-of-processing Effect
Why repetition improve memory retention
Look-elsewhere Effect
Why do scientists keep looking for a statistically significant result after failing to find one initially?
Loss Aversion
Why do we buy insurance?
Mental Accounting
Why do we think less about some purchases than others?
Mere Exposure Effect
Why do we prefer things that we are familiar with?
Motivating Uncertainty Effect
Why rewards of unknown sizes tend to motivate us more than known rewards
Naive Allocation
Why we tend to prefer spreading limited resources evenly across options.
Negativity Bias
Why is the news always so depressing?
Noble Edge Effect
Why do we tend to favour brands that show care for societal issues?
Nostalgia Effect
How do our sentimental feelings for the past influence our actions in the present?
Observer Expectancy Effect
Why do we change our behavior when we're being watched?
Omission Bias
Why don't we pull the trolley lever?
Optimism Bias
Why do we overestimate the probability of success?
Ostrich Effect
Why do we prefer to ignore negative information?
Overjustification Effect
Why do we lose interest in an activity after we are rewarded for it?
Peak-end Rule
How do our memories differ from our experiences?
Pessimism bias
Why do we think we're destined to fail?
Planning Fallacy
Why do we underestimate how long it will take to complete a task?
Primacy Effect
Why do we only remember the first things on our grocery list?
Why do some ideas prompt other ideas later on without our conscious awareness?
Projection Bias
Why do we think our current preferences will remain the same in the future?
Reactive devaluation
Why is negotiation so difficult?
Regret Aversion
Why do we anticipate regret before we make a decision?
Representativeness Heuristic
Why do we use similarity to gauge statistical probability?
Response Bias
Why responses to a survey or experiment can be inaccurate due to the nature of the survey or experiment
Restraint Bias
Why do we overestimate our self-control?
Rosy Retrospection
Why do we think the good old days were so good?
Salience Bias
Why do we focus on items or information that are more prominent and ignore those that are not?
Self-serving Bias
Why do we blame external factors for our own mistakes?
Serial Position Effect
Why do we better remember items at the beginning or end of a list?
Sexual Overperception Bias
Why do men think that women are always flirting with them?
Social Norms
Why do we follow the behavior of others?
Source Confusion
Why we forget where our memories come from, and thereby lose our ability to distinguish the reality or likelihood of each memory.
Spacing Effect
Why do we retain information better when we learn it over a long time period?
Spotlight Effect
Why do we feel like we stand out more than we really do?
Status Quo Bias
Why do we tend to leave things as they are?
Why is yawning contagious?
Survivorship Bias
Why do we misjudge groups by only looking at specific group members?
Take-the-best Heuristic
Why do we focus on one characteristic to compare when choosing between alternatives?
Telescoping Effect
Why do some things “seem like they just happened yesterday?”
The Illusion of Explanatory Depth
Why do we think we understand the world more than we actually do?
The Pygmalion effect
Why do we perform better when someone has high expectations of us?
The Sunk Cost Fallacy
Why are we likely to continue with an investment even if it would be rational to give it up?
Zero Risk Bias
Why do we seek certainty in risky situations?