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Working Memory

In a state of flow attention and intentions are merged with a loss of self-conscious rumination. Peace of mind with decision making process is critical to entering a state of flow.


Fear of loss is a greater motivator than imagined rewards


Explore the science of timing when to maintain optimal state of flow.

Timing is everything! How is it best to think about investing time?

  • What time is most valuable?
  • How can you extend focus for deep work?
#DW: Deep WorkRequire focus and attention
#CL: Continuous LearningFollow a study plan
#BT: Bundled TasksProcess Driven tasks
#RX: Reactive WorkRespond to Email
#MIQ: QuestionReflection on Most insightful question

Play with unstructured vs structured, following standard protocols vs improvising, and being in the moment vs planning ahead.

Balance time and state of mind for the journey ahead.

  • Time to Dream, picture the dream and the nightmare.
  • Time to Commit, decide bets and commit to the plan.
  • Time to Measure, measure outcomes vs expectations
  • Time to Reflect, step out of yourself, connect the big picture.

Combat inertia: The hardest part is feeling hopeless when starting something new. But you can't truly value something you haven't suffered for. Embrace the pain, it is the cost of fulfilment.

Deep Work

Most people perform Deep Work first thing in the morning. Don't check email and turn your phone to silent mode until you've spent your most valuable time the way you planned to.


How to best proportion attention for optimal continuous growth.

70%Core competency
10%New Experiments


Use time-blocking and mantra to practice better habits.


Theme your day or time period by objective. Prepare your subconscious before sleep to prepare for the challenges ahead.

Business focus areas:

  • Product and Profit
  • Support Compliance
  • Coordination of Resources
  • Strategy

Bundle similar tasks to avoid context shifting:

  • Email
  • Follow-ups
  • Calendars
  • Routines

What are the best AI tools to automate process driven tasks?


Visualise to be ready to hit the ground running.

  1. Re-affirm your purpose
  2. Clarify priorities
  3. Plan to focus attention

Plans are worthless, planning is essential

Thought Processing

Your brain is for having ideas not storing them.

  • to be processed
  • feedback required
  • persistent initiatives
