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Game Development

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Game design is the highest form of digital art, providing an experimental environment for shaping how we interpret and play real world games with realworld people.



Related concepts to master to build a great game.

Onchain vs Offchain

Need to balance game strategy vs chain strategy based on type of decisions and transactions value, volume, complexity and time pressures.

  • What are tradeoffs between onchain and offchain?
  • High vs low volume transactions game strategy and chain choices
  • What value should triggers more secure chain and strategic game?

AI Opportunities

Massive and detailed worlds will become the norm, with customized quests and dialogue for players, populated with AI NPCs, virtual companions, and personalized digital avatars.

  • Smaller teams can better compete with large established developers
  • Broader adoption of user-generated-content UGC in gaming
  • Enable the creation of brand new gaming experiences
  • Expanding transmedia opportunities


Why do people play games? What makes a game fun and engaging?

  1. AAA-quality graphics
  2. Engaging game mechancis
  3. Backed by sustainable tokenomics
  4. Synergetic partnerships
  5. Creator-focused gameplay evolution


Project cycles for engineering a game:


  • Game Concept & Design
  • Storytelling
  • Cognitive research
  • Game Mechanics
  • Behavioral economics
  • Software engineering
  • Predictive analysis
  • Animations


  • Genre and Target Audience
  • Game Flow (usually with diagrams)
  • Story / Setting / Lore
  • Level design and difficulty curve
  • Thematic descriptions art, music, user interface
  • Advertising


  • Strategy - Intention and Attention
  • What are the constraints? evolving tech? - capacity? - capabilty?
  • Schedule for Strategy Review - Disagree then commit
  • Spread the load - minimal effort to confirm the truth (zkEVM)


  • Where is best place to innovate? Capture value?
  • What appetite for risk?
  • How to do discovery? Grow awareness most efficiently?


  • Revenue
  • Coin/Token
  • Land sales
  • In game currency