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Running JTBD Interviews

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How to run a JTBD Interview.

  1. Preparation
  2. Approach
  3. Tactics
  4. Post Review
  5. Fixing an Interview
  6. Case Studies


  • Take notes, capturing as much as possible (recording is an option but ask permission)
  • Mark emotional moments
  • You can have a note-taker


Make them feel helpful & comfortable.

  • Let them know the information we'll collect, which is available in this publicly available document here
  • Explicitly tell them they'll do most of the talking so they don't feel uncomfortable
  • Just observe and don't judge their answers (they'll be frightened to offend you)
  • Don't immediately offer help if they get stuck
  • Talk less than 10% of the time


  • When you must respond, leave it open-ended:
    • How long did that take?
    • Why do you think that happens?
    • When was the last time you did this?
  • Avoid leading questions — "Did you like X?" vs "What did you think of X?"
  • Summarize hearings back to interviewee to confirm your perception — "what I'm hearing is X"
  • Tangents can be useful if you keep hearing them, but otherwise you can try to redirect back to original problem
  • If people start talking about features they want:
    • Can you walk me through when and how you would use it? How would it help you?
    • Sounds like you have X problem. Is that accurate? Can you tell me more about it?

Post Review

  • Any questions that led to bland answers? Can you revise?
  • Any questions we should add to template?
  • Anything you wanted to learn but didn't get to?
  • What questions/topics got the most emotion?

Fixing an Interview

Fixing a bad interview

Case Studies

Real world JTBD stories.

Tailwind Shaping Up

Chris Spiek