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General principles for mobility exercises:

  • Progress gradually from easier variations to more challenging ones
  • Focus on both strength and flexibility in each exercise
  • Use a weight that allows for good form and feels comfortable
  • Adjust based on individual goals and abilities
  • Perform exercises pain-free and with control

Daily Limber

  • Wrist Stretch
  • Seal to Cat Stretch x2
  • Capsule Stretch (per arm)
  • Shoulder extension
  • Hip Swivel
  • Pancake Stretch (Middle, Left, Right)
  • Butterfly
  • Pike
  • Shoulder Bridge
  • Calf Stretch

Knees Over Toes

Exercises to repeat for 2-4 sets of 8-12 reps:

  1. ATG Split Squat
    • Technique: Rear foot elevated, knee forward, chest high, stretching the back leg
    • Load: Start with bodyweight, progress to weighted (std goal 25-28kg per hand)
  2. Romanian Deadlift (RDL)
    • Technique: Stretch into inner thighs, maintain flat back, knees slightly bent
    • Load: Use dumbbells or barbell, progress as able (std goal 60+ kg)
  3. Back Extension
    • Technique: Allow rounding at bottom, squeeze glutes when coming up
    • Load: Use weight that allows for control and stretch
  4. Standing Pancake / Good Morning
    • Technique: Wide stance, touch ground with hands/elbows, keep legs straight
    • Load: Bodyweight or cable resistance
  5. Pigeon Stretch
    • Technique: Press knee into ground, focus on hip rotation
    • Load: Bodyweight, emphasis on control and activation
  6. Couch Stretch
    • Technique: Knee back for quad stretch, drop hip for lower quad stretch
    • Load: Bodyweight, focus on activation and relaxation cycles
  7. Seated Good Morning
    • Technique: Wide stance, reach forward while keeping back straight
    • Load: Can be done with or without weight
  8. Standing Calf Raise
    • Technique: Full range of motion, emphasize stretch at bottom
    • Load: Bodyweight or weighted as able
  9. Seated Calf Raise
    • Technique: Full range of motion, pause at stretched position
    • Load: Use machine if available, otherwise bodyweight
  10. Tibialis Raise
    • Technique: Bend knee, focus on ankle dorsiflexion
    • Load: Bodyweight or machine resistance if available

Workout 1:

  1. Backward walking: 2 minutes resisted treadmill, 100 yards sled, or 200 yards unresisted
  2. Single-Leg Standing Calf Raise: 2 sets of up to 15 reps per side
  3. Tibialis Raise: 2 sets of up to 20 reps with bar, or at least 20 reps with wall
  4. Slant Squat: 4 sets of up to 20 reps
  5. Nordic Curl: 4 sets of 5 reps, or Ham Curl 4 sets of up to 12 reps
  6. Hanging Knee Raise: 2 sets of at least 15 reps
  7. ATG-style Incline Dumbbell Press: 2 sets of up to 15 reps
  8. Pull-up: 2 sets of up to 12 reps

Workout 2:

  1. Backward walking: 2 minutes resisted treadmill, 100 yards sled, or 200 yards unresisted
  2. Seated Calf Raise: 2 sets of up to 20 reps with machine, at least 20 reps with DB/KB, or 20 reps with wall
  3. Tibialis Raise: 2 sets of up to 20 reps with bar, or at least 20 reps with wall
  4. ATG Split Squat: 4 sets of up to 12 reps per side
  5. Back Extension: 4 sets of up to 12 reps
  6. QL (Quadratus Lumborum): 2 sets of at least 10 reps per side
  7. ATG-style Overhead Dumbbell Press: 2 sets of up to 12 reps
  8. Row: 2 sets of up to 12 reps

Three Exercises

Neck and Shoulder


Hip Flexors

7 way hips.

Thoracic Bridge

Thoracic bridge to solve back pain from sitting at a computer too long.

Frog & Pancake

How to Improve Frog

Foam Roller