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Scaling Trilemma

The blockchain scalability trilemma refers to the challenge of achieving all three of the following properties simultaneously in a decentralized blockchain network:

  1. Decentralization: Having no central authority control the network, with control distributed across many nodes.
  2. Security: Protecting the network from attacks and ensuring data integrity through mechanisms like cryptography and consensus protocols.
  3. Scalability: The ability to handle a high throughput of transactions with fast processing times and low fees.

The trilemma posits that maximizing any two of these properties directly compromises the third. Solving this trilemma is seen as key to unlocking blockchain's full potential for widespread adoption.

By tracking KPIs across the scalability trilemma pillars, blockchain architects can optimize their designs, identify bottlenecks, and navigate the inherent trade-offs to achieve an ideal balance suited to their goals and use cases.


Critical to ensuring Censorship Resistance. Decentralization ensures no single entity controls the blockchain, enhancing security and trust.

Important metrics include:

  • Node Distribution: Examining the geographic spread of nodes across regions/countries. A well-distributed network indicates higher decentralization.
  • Token Distribution: Analysing the distribution of tokens among participants. A more evenly distributed supply signals greater decentralization of stake/mining power.
  • Governance Participation: Tracking voter turnout for protocol upgrades/proposals and the diversity of stakeholders involved in decision-making.

The key engineering challenge is designing incentive mechanisms and network architectures that promote an optimal level of decentralization without compromising security or scalability.


Robust security is vital for protecting the integrity of blockchain data and transactions.

Important metrics include:

  • Network Hashrate/Stake: For PoW and PoS networks respectively, this measures the computational power and economic stake securing the network against attacks.
  • Attack Resistance: Metrics like the cost of executing a 51% attack, vulnerability reports, and incidents of stake slashing/burning.
  • Cryptoeconomic Incentives: Evaluating the effectiveness of economic incentives and penalties in promoting honest behavior among validators/miners.

The key challenge is implementing advanced cryptographic techniques, secure consensus algorithms, and incentive structures that maximize security while enabling scalability and decentralization.


Scalability ensures the network can handle increasing usage and transaction volumes efficiently.

Important metrics include:

  • Transaction Throughput: Transactions processed per second, indicating the network's capacity under load.
  • Latency: The time required to achieve finality/confirmation for transactions.
  • Data Throughput: The total bandwidth consumed by nodes, reflecting the overhead of scaling solutions like sharding.
  • Layer 2 Adoption: The adoption rate and value secured by layer 2 scaling solutions like roll-ups and side-chains.

Overcoming this challenge often involves architectural changes like sharding, efficient consensus algorithms, layer 2 solutions, and parallelization techniques - all while preserving decentralization and security guarantees.


On Ethereum, each node which must verify transactions, make data available, and maintain the entire block history, inherently limiting the network's efficiency. Modular blockchains aim to solve this problem by separating the core functions into distinct specialized components/layers.

The intention is that composable components enable developers to explore and optimize each component separately to assemble blockchains with customized security, and scalability to meet required performance metrics.


Which protocols are leading the way in solving the blockchain trilemma?

The solutions vary in their scaling approaches, trade-offs between security/decentralization/scalability, compatibility with Ethereum, and target use cases. Ethereum solutions leverage L2s while others build specialized L1 architectures.

Ethereum Optimistic Rollups:

  • Use fraud proofs and a challenge period to validate transactions
  • Provide low-cost scaling but with higher latency for transaction finality
  • EVM compatible, easy for developers
  • Examples: Arbitrum, Optimism

Ethereum ZK-Rollups:

  • Use validity proofs (ZK-proofs) for instant transaction validation
  • Offer high security and privacy but higher computational costs
  • Not fully EVM compatible yet
  • Examples: Starknet, zkSync

EigenLayer (Ethereum):

  • Novel "restaking" model to reuse Ethereum's staked ETH for securing additional layers
  • Provides a pooled security model and programmable trust for rollups/apps
  • Key solutions: EigenDA (data availability), modular blockchains


  • High performance L1 using Proof-of-History and leader-based parallel transaction processing
  • Focuses on horizontal scaling through leaderless sharding
  • Established ecosystem for general-purpose dApps

SEI Network:

  • Specialized L1 optimized for decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and trading
  • Uses Tendermint BFT consensus with vertical hardware/software scaling
  • Early stage, high throughput of 20,000+ ops/sec targeted

Other L1s:

  • Aptos: Parallel execution and advanced programming model
  • Celestia: Modular blockchain design separating data availability
  • Sui: Object-centric parallelization and data model