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Onchain Services

Smart Contract Programming.


Tech Stack | Hackathons | Roadmap | Tech Stack

Developing applications, where essential data is stored, and critical logic is executed on the blockchain.


Web3 engineering can be broken down into:

Web3 DevTrad DevFocus
Application DevelopmentProductHuman Centred
Onchain ProgrammingServicesBusiness Logic
Blockchain ArchitecturePlatformSpeed, Capacity, Reliability

Rather than interface with a private database through an API, Web3 applications interact with contracts on blockchains via wallets that convert intentions into actions that change global state immutably.

  1. The greater volume of work is standard web application development for human interaction by [Product Engineers] using the Nextjs Framework with certain libraries that make interfacing with the blockchain easier (Typesafe) to develop.
  2. The greater complexity and importance of work is writing valuable and secure logic onto the blockchain.
  3. For more complex applications, teams may innovate with building their own blockchain architecture protocols. Engineering the Blockchain Architecture for building better products has alot of overlap with platform engineering.


The key is to combine technical skills, practical experience, and a strategic approach to build a successful career in the fast-moving web3 space. Continuously learn, network, and ship useful products.

  1. Learn to Build Smart Contracts/Programs
    • Take online tutorials and courses
    • Study the official documentation
    • Practice creating and deploying contracts on testnets
  2. Participate in Hackathons
    • Immerse yourself in the Web3 community
    • Collaborate on short-term projects
    • Publish your code on Github to build a portfolio
  3. Get Junior Developer Roles
    • Start with frontend development for dapps using React.js and Ethers.js
    • Or focus on backend smart contract development with Solidity, Foundry
    • Look for roles on Linkedin or network at hackathons/incubators
  4. Level Up Your Skills
    • Gain confidence deploying smart contracts to mainnet
    • Research security best practices and past hacks
    • Implement comprehensive testing of contracts
    • Consider third-party audits and bug bounties
  5. Achieve Senior Roles & Lead Teams
    • Take on more responsibility, potentially as CTO or tech lead
    • Set roadmaps, manage timelines, ensure documentation and testing
    • Foster a collaborative team environment
    • Keep learning about latest web3 technologies and trends
  6. Launch Your Own Web3 Project or Startup
    • Identify a real problem you are passionate about solving
    • Test ideas before building to ensure product-market fit
    • Be strategic about funding via VCs, grants, etc.
    • Be prepared to pivot based on user feedback and market conditions

Journey Outline

Outline of things to learn on the path to orchestrating blockchain integrity, crypto incentives and AI automation to solve real world problems that make people's lives better.

  • Starting Out
  • App Development
  • Dev Ops and Security
  • Onchain Development
  • Blockchain Architecture
  • DePIN Endgame

Starting Out

Blockchain Architecture

What is a blockchain? How does it work?

  • Keypairs
  • Transactions
  • RPC Interaction


Primary development environments:

BlockchainEthereum, L2sSolanaSEI, SUI

Onchain primitives.

StandardsERC, EIP?
Single NFTERC721
Multi NFTERC1155
Embeded NFTTrue
EventsContact Events

Domain Knowledge

Crypto Assets/Primitives to understand how value flows through a blockchain ecosystem.

ProtocolsValuation Model
Decentralized Finance (DeFi)-
Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePIN)-
Interop Services-
Games and Gamification-
Governance Tokens-
Loyalty & Marketing-
Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs)-
Tokenized Assets (RWAs)-

App Development

Interaction Model (intent-client-wallet-program).

State is stored on the blockchain, where intentions pass through wallets that interact with smart contracts on the blockchain.


EVM vs SVM Web Development


Ethereum Web

  • Account Abstraction

Solana Web

SVM DeFi Developer


  • Automated Market Makers
  • Openbook

SVM NFT Developer

  • SDKs - web3.js
  • RPC APIs - NFTs
  • Solana Program library
  • Token extensions
  • candy-machine
  • sugar-CLI
  • ShdwDrive
  • Compression
  • SPL-token CLI

Onchain Dev Ops and Security

Server side best practices for maintaining operational security and integrity of your blockchain applications.

  • Wallets

Onchain Development

Integrated vs Modular Architecture?


Before coding:


Which Blockchains?

Design Choices:

  • Onchain vs Offchain

EVM Smart Contract Developer

Solidity coding on the Ethereum Virtual Machine.

  • Standards
  • Patterns
  • Examples
    • ERC721 Staking smart contract

Eigenlayer AVS Development

SVM Program Developer

Rust coding on the Solana Virtual Machine.

  • GNU/Linux setup
  • Rust env + syntax
  • State management
  • PDAs (Program Derived Addresses)
  • CPIs (Cross Program Invocations)
  • Anchor
  • IDLs
  • Oracles
  • Security

DePIN Endgame

Which is the best path to get to the endgame of combining AI, IoT and Blockchain to close critical feedback loops in the right way to set humanity of a path of sustainable growth?

Flow Engineering through DePIN Feedback Loops: AI automation, crypto incentives, blockchain integrity, IoT signals.

  • Data Feeds
  • AI Functions
  • Onchain Logic

Onchain Dev Ops and Security

Best Practices for working with Wallets, Private Keys, Cloud Infrastruture and how to maintain security after deploying a smart contract.


Post Deployment Checks

Continously improve processes to become better equipped to meet the evolving challenges of the blockchain landscape, and make more informed decisions that strengthen your security and credibility.

  1. Never deploy with single externally owned account (EOA)

Use a multisig wallet to deploy your contracts.

Wallets and Post Deployment Actions


Suppliers of infrastructure to aid in the development and performance of running decentralised applications.

  • Thirdweb



  • Explore Common Contracts
  • Status Dashboard
  • Analytics
  • Sources (what is this?)
  • Configuration Settings
  • CLI
  • API key
  • Contract extensions
  • Dapp deployment



