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Building RAG Pipelines

Retrieval Augmented Generation.

RAG is an approach in developing generative AI applications. Embeddings represent data in a way that captures meaning and relationships, and vector databases are the specialized storage and retrieval engines that make it possible to leverage these embeddings effectively in real-world applications.

HippoRAG is a novel RAG framework that aims to improve knowledge integration capabilities for large language models (LLMs). HippoRAG represents a significant advancement in RAG systems, offering a more brain-inspired approach to knowledge integration for LLMs. Its ability to perform multi-hop reasoning efficiently makes it a promising tool for complex information retrieval and question answering tasks that require integrating knowledge from multiple sources.

  • Inspiration and Goal:
    • Inspired by the neurobiology of human long-term memory, particularly the hippocampal indexing theory.
    • Aims to enable LLMs to continuously integrate knowledge across external documents more effectively than traditional RAG systems.
  • Key Components:
    • Uses a graph-based "hippocampal index" to create a network of associations between concepts and passages.
    • Employs an LLM for information extraction and a retrieval encoder to build the knowledge graph.
    • Utilizes the Personalized PageRank algorithm for efficient retrieval.
  • Advantages:
    • Outperforms state-of-the-art methods on multi-hop question answering benchmarks by up to 20%.
    • Single-step retrieval with HippoRAG achieves comparable or better performance than iterative methods like IRCoT.
    • 10-30 times cheaper and 6-13 times faster than iterative retrieval methods.
  • Implementation:
    • Works in two phases: offline indexing (for storing information) and online retrieval (for integrating knowledge into user requests).
    • Can be integrated with existing RAG pipelines and LLM frameworks like LangChain.
  • Setup and Usage:
    • Requires setting up a Python environment with specific dependencies.
    • Supports indexing with different retrieval models like ColBERTv2 or Contriever.
    • Provides scripts for indexing, retrieval, and integration with custom datasets.
  • Applications:
    • Particularly useful for tasks requiring complex reasoning and integration of information from multiple sources.
    • Potential applications in scientific literature reviews, legal case briefings, and medical diagnoses.
  • Future Directions:
    • The researchers suggest potential improvements like fine-tuning components and validating scalability to larger knowledge graphs.
    • Integration with other techniques like graph neural networks (GNNs) could further enhance its capabilities.

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Building production-ready RAG-powered applications

  • Decrease cycle time
  • Increase accuracy
  • Maximize value


Embeddings are dense vector representations of data that capture semantic and contextual information. They map raw data (text, images, etc.) into high-dimensional vector spaces, where similar items are positioned closer together based on their meaning or characteristics. This allows machines to understand and process data more effectively.

Vector Databases

Vector databases are specialized databases designed to efficiently store, index, and query large collections of high-dimensional vector embeddings. They provide the following key capabilities:

  1. Storage: Vector databases allow inserting, updating, and deleting vector embeddings along with associated metadata.
  2. Indexing: They index the embeddings using specialized data structures and algorithms, enabling fast similarity searches based on vector distances
  3. Querying: Vector databases support querying the embeddings by providing a vector representation of the query and retrieving the most similar embeddings from the database. This enables applications like semantic search, recommendation systems, and clustering.
  4. Scalability: They are designed to handle massive volumes of high-dimensional vector data efficiently, scaling horizontally as needed.



Challenges building error-free RAG systems include:

  • Chunk and document quality
  • Refining prompts
  • Output hallucinations
