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UX Design Checklists

Aim to create a consistent project to follow and evolve as a design review checklist.


Memorize human biases



Common question to run through when appraising a design.

Who needs to see this?
What decision are they making?
What do they need to know?
What are we trying to say?
What is the emotional hook?
What is the initial impression?
If you stopped reading here, what is the message?
What does this mean?
Is what it says and what it means the same thing?
Do we want that?
Do we need to say that here?
How does this make you feel?
How else can we say this?
What is memorable about this?
How does that change behaviour?
What's the payoff?
What does someone know now that they didn't know before?
How does that work?
Why is that worth a click?
Is that worth scrolling?
What's the simpler version of this?
Are we assuming too much?
Why that order?
Why would this make them choose that?
What does a more polished version of this look like?
Why would someone leave at this point?
Why are we saying this twice?
Is it worth pulling attention away from that??
Does that make it clearer?
How would someone know that?
Would it matter if someone missed that??
What's the obvious next step?
Does that make it easier or harder?
What's missing?
Would this be better as a sentence or a picture?
What is the key action verb?
Why is that there?
What matters here?
What problem is that solving?
What would happen if we got rid of that?
Why isn't that clear?
Why is this better?
How can we make this more obvious?
What happens when this expands?
If we got rid of this, does that still work?
Is it obvious what happens next?
What just happened?
Where's the idea?
How does this change someone's mind?
Are nested dropdowns necessary?
Do we have time to create our own perfect Datepicker?
Or do we try to customize something open source?
How best to handle disabled buttons?

Third-party checklists:

Design System Review

Golden rules
Key principles
User Control
Negative space

Patterns and Rules

Design Rule Tweets


Questions to decide if you need a number input:

  • Is the number an identifier or a value?
  • Is this a number for which incrementing or decrementing makes sense, or will it fundamentally change what the number represents?

Use a text input if increment/decrement does not make sense.