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How do you make your words ring true?


Words are an ineffective protocol for communicating intentions. A great question opens the door for endless potential.

SystemsDo you have systems that help you to reach your full potential?
MantraHow can you ensure your tribe applies good judgement in the critical moments of greatest need?
InvestingIf every is an investment in your future, shouldn't everyone be taught to think like an investor?
Value SystemWhat is the fucking point? What does success look like?
QuestionsWhat is the best question you can ask yourself right now?
ReflectionAre you heading in the direction towards meaningful progress?
ProjectsWhat does utopia look like?
DecisionsWhat type of decisions do we all need to make?
Decision ReflectionAre you asking the right questions for making meaningful progress?
Decision JournalHave you written down the most important decisions you need to act on?
Blockchain Dev RoadmapsWhich ecosystem is worth your investment of time and energy?
AI Agents FrameworksWhich ecosystem is worth your investment of time and energy?
Cognitive BiasesHow can we avoid taking mental shortcuts?
PredictionsTo what extent do our intentions shape reality?
SEO ToolkitHow long before SEO is irrelevant?
Financial LedgerMoney is a weak proxy for things of value, what if there was a ledger for things of real value to measure our progress against?
TechnologyWhat is the best way to evolve with technology?
Problem Solving

A great question resonates with hopes and fears


  • Question: What feedback loop are you setting off?
  • Intentions: What point are you trying to make?
  • Persuasion: How good is your rhetoric for making it?

For your words to have meaning they must be backed by substance and structure. A picture is worth a 1000 words


Domain Specific Language

Online Lingo

KOL: Key Opinion Leader