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Smart Agents

Morpheus Platform for Smart Agents.

Morpheus is an open-source, decentralized AI platform that aims to make Web3 accessible to everyone through natural language interactions. It utilizes a fair launch model with the MOR token, distributing 24% each to community builders, coders, compute providers, and capital providers. The platform combines foundational AI models, embeddings, and smart agents to create a user-friendly interface for interacting with blockchain technology. Users can participate by providing staked ETH, contributing code, offering compute power, or building front-end applications. Morpheus emphasizes individual ownership and control of data, positioning itself as a personal AI assistant that can seamlessly integrate with various Web3 services and decentralized storage solutions like Filecoin.

Business Case

Familiarize yourself with the idea of a decentralized network for powering smart agents and how the Smart Agent Protocol and its potential to make Web3 accessible to everyone


  • Study the token economics and utility of the MOR token
  • Understand the distribution model: 24% each to community, capital, compute, and coders, with 4% for protection funds


  • Download the Morpheus full node and connect your Web3 wallet
  • Choose your participation method: community builder, coder, compute provider, or capital provider

Human Impact

For Developers:

  • Contribute code to the Morpheus software or build specialized agents
  • Register your contributions to earn MOR tokens
  • Explore opportunities to create front-end applications and tools

For Investors:

  • Consider providing staked ETH to earn MOR tokens
  • Understand the 90-day bootstrapping period and token claim process
  • Research the potential long-term value of the MOR token and its utility in the ecosystem

For Compute Providers:

  • Set up infrastructure to offer compute power to the network
  • Register as a compute provider to earn MOR tokens

Long-term Strategy:

  • Consider the potential impact of decentralized AI on various industries
  • Explore opportunities for building businesses or services on top of the Morpheus network
  • Stay aware of regulatory developments in the AI and crypto space

Use Cases

  • Experiment with creating or using smart agents for various Web3 tasks
  • Consider how Morpheus can enhance your existing Web3 projects or ideas


  • Find discords/telegrams of those building smart agents
  • Keep up with project updates and developments
  • Participate in discussions and contribute ideas for improvement


The Morpheus platform is designed to be highly modular and customizable. Users can swap out foundational models, add custom embeddings, create new smart agents, and develop custom user interfaces. The compute layer can be provided by various decentralized providers, allowing for flexibility in resource allocation.

Developers can extend the platform's functionality through custom plugins and smart agents. The atomic governance model allows for a permissionless ecosystem where anyone can contribute new components or improvements without centralized approval.

Tech Stack

Morpheus tech stack layers and components, along with details on which can be swapped out or customized:

  1. Foundational Models:
    • Base layer of general intelligence
    • Examples: LLaMA 2, Mixtral, New Hermes
    • Customizable: Users can choose different open-source models based on preference
  2. Embeddings:
    • Database files providing context to foundational models
    • Contains information about smart contracts and Web3 topics
    • Customizable: Users can add or modify embeddings to expand context
  3. Smart Agents:
    • Built on top of foundational models and embeddings
    • Perform specific tasks (e.g., token swaps, transactions)
    • Customizable: Developers can create and deploy new smart agents
  4. User Interfaces:
    • Front-end applications for user interaction
    • Customizable: Developers can create custom interfaces
  5. Compute Layer:
    • Provides processing power for running models and agents
    • Customizable: Users can choose different compute providers
  6. Wallet Integration:
    • Connects to Web3 wallets for transactions
    • Customizable: Can integrate with various wallet providers
  7. Smart Rank System:
    • Algorithm for ranking smart contracts based on intent and context
    • Likely customizable by developers
  8. Decentralized Storage:
    • Integration with systems like Filecoin for data storage
    • Customizable: Can potentially integrate with different storage solutions
  9. Layer 2 Integration:
    • Uses Arbitrum for lower fees and faster transactions
    • Potentially customizable to use other Layer 2 solutions
  10. Non-Fungible Agents (NFAs):
    • Unique, ownable AI agents within the Morpheus ecosystem
    • Customizable: Developers can create new types of NFAs