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Exponential Organisations

Create a culture that gathers people of shared values, complimentary talents and exponential mindsets.

Disagree then commit: create small odd numbered leadership groups to focus on the domain problem at hand and provide enough structure to communicate quickly and accurately.


Open to new ideas that change opinions, lean and agile enough to execute decisions with speed.

Form a crews based on real connections and honest endeavour to seek reward over fake bonds of intention.

Create anti-fragile business models that thrive in the face of uncertainty and chaos. Job titles are irrelevant compared to proven capabilities and experiences.

Evolve mindset with tech to reimagine ecosystems that thrive in trust built upon real connections.


If you don't appreciate what holds value how can you expect to create it? Control the flow of value with closed loop systems that drive continuous improvement.

first principles of flow
  • Follow the the flow of thought to understand triggers
  • Follow their flow of actions and understand their motivation
  • Measure the impact of the flow outcomes to understand their contribution?

Success is having the freedom to spend your time with people doing things that provide a shared sense of fulfilment.


Create alignment of intentions with clear pictures of success.

  • Create focus
  • Align flow of intent
  • Practice good habits


Deciding what to work on is the hardest problem of all.

  • What has a moat?
  • What software tools need to be replaced?
  • What departments/processes can be leveraged through rapid adoption of AI/Web3 tech and culture?
  • What industries will be imapacted most/first?
  • What countries are best placed to adapt? What characteristics? Can you surf there?
  • How to size bets proportionately?


Create flow from chaos by practising better decision making, the first being your internal state and perspective of the big picture, attention in narrow and deep but intrinsically aligned with broader context.

  • Options - First Principles / Engineering
  • Intention - Pictures / Maps / Journeys
  • Action - Habits / Processes / Workflows
  • Navigation - Focus / Attention / Mantra

Flow comes from the wisdom to know what is most important to act on next


How is the world turning? How do you become a superforecaster?

Develop a routine framework/checklists to review on a consistent basis to evolve narrative of the big picture.

Engineer systems that generate flow through focused attention.
