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Farm Funding Rate

Funding Rate Arbitrage: is a strategy that involves borrowing a stablecoin and using it to buy a token that is expected to appreciate in value. The goal is to profit from the difference between the interest rate on the borrowed stablecoin and the appreciation of the token.


  • FR farming tokenizes the most valuable real estate in CeFi and puts it on chain (OI); this will eventually kill CeFi or force it on chain
  • New protocols/inflows will compete for OI; the cost to compete is token incentives + sub-optimal yield for a period of time, you effectively reserve your spot for when funding rates next spike/camp while FR is negative
  • FR will be farmed until APY is mid teens ~= DeFi stablecoin rates
  • Biggest risk is en-masse exit causing OI unwind slippage or underlying exchange solvency issue
  • Push for more OI will lead people to riskier venues/collateral until we see a blowup of a smaller/riskier player, causing a shift to DeFi
  • Funding rate farming is likely the catalyst for Derivs to move from CEXs to DEXs (risk mitigation, cost, incentives)
  • Stablecoin issuers (DAI) will internalize most of the yield in the end and form symbiotic alliances with funding rate protocols
  • Current FR farming iteration is the likely riskiest iteration, but still not that risky

Vance Spencer