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Problems by Domain

Domain Specific Problems

The Journey

  1. Distrust
  2. Crony Capitalism
  3. The Industrial War Complex
  4. People desire fame over character
  5. Attention manipulation
  6. AI scams and digital pollution
  7. The young can't afford a home, the old are struggling alone
  8. Plastic everywhere


Trust in our institutions is at an all-time low. The media, government, and corporations are all distrusted by large numbers of the population.

Crony Capitalism

  • Nepotism
  • Ego over ethics
  • Short-term thinking
  • Cannot trust centralised power
  • The rich keep becoming much richer


The enemy within. Technology shapes our perception of reality.

The dance with evolving technology that empowers can also destroy us. Technology shapes humanities perception of reality far more than we shape it.

Some technologies more reliably make the world better than others. We need active human intention to choose the directions that we want, as the formula of "maximize profit" will not arrive at them automatically - Techno Optimism, Vitalik