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Community is the future of marketing: How can Farcaster be leveraged most effectively to grow a community while maintaining high engagement and quality user experience?


Key Insights

  1. Atomic Network Strategy:
    • Focus on building an initial small, highly engaged user base (Atomic Network).
    • Hand-pick the most suitable users for the first batch to ensure quality engagement.
  2. Welcome Experience & Invite-Only Strategy:
    • Create a welcoming experience for new users, akin to being greeted at a dinner party by a close friend.
    • Use an invite-only strategy to control the growth pace and ensure each new user is connected to an existing member.
  3. Utilizing Highly Connected Individuals:
    • Invite highly connected individuals early on as they can bring in other well-connected users, creating a network of social butterflies.
  4. Iterative Product Improvement:
    • Start with a small batch of users to gather feedback and improve the product iteratively.
    • Treat early users exceptionally well to foster loyalty and gather valuable insights.

Action Items

  1. Build the Atomic Network:
    • Identify and invite the most suitable initial users.
    • Focus on increasing sign-ups pre-product launch to show potential to investors.
  2. Design a Welcoming Onboarding Process:
    • Ensure new users feel welcomed and connected.
    • Create an environment where users see familiar faces and feel part of a community.
  3. Implement an Invite-Only System:
    • Control the onboarding process by using an invite-only system.
    • Gradually increase the user base as the product and community grow.
  4. Engage and Learn from Early Users:
    • Engage with early users on a personal level.
    • Use their feedback to make continuous improvements to the product.